วันเสาร์ที่ 11 เมษายน พ.ศ. 2552

What should i pack in my hospital bag? i have already packed...?

i am 37 1/2 weeks pregnant and i have had my bag packed for a few weeks- but i wanted some advice from other mommies who have done it before. in my bag i have:

-2 nightgowns

-sports bras



-puzzle book/pen

-toiletries, brush, etc.

-massage oil/tools

-camera/extra batteries

-2 of my own pillows

-pack of pads

-3 pair maternity undies

-going home outfit (loose dress & maternity stretch pants)

for baby, i have packed:

-10 diapers (they give you some in the hospital, right?)

-travel size wipes

-2 receiving blankets

-1 heavy blanket

-4 outfits w/hats


-brush & comb

-baby nail clipper

-socks (3 pairs)

-2 pairs slippers

-5 bibs

have i overdone it or do i need to add things???

I just had my second child 3 months ago. Some advice: bring as little as possiable. Someone will have to make serveral trips out to the car to bring things things back home with you while you get wheeled out holding the baby. You can bring the nightgowns if you want, but they wull proubly get riuned. The hospital does give you as many gowns as you need as you shower and such. The only bra i wore wore was there and leaving. socks and slippers are a must!!! you will need your toillettreies because they give you nothing but try to bring travel size so you dont have to bring it all home with you. Only bring one pillow if you can, they do give you 1 or 2 anyways. definitly bring pads, they give you a bunch of these huge ones with these netted underwear things to hold them in place (dont throw away they wont give you more) but by the end you will run out of pads, espeacally if you need to stay an extra day. for the baby: pack his diaper bag with: i receiveing blkt, i heavey blkt, 2 outfits to choose from for the picture and maybe a pair of socks. they will give you so many diapers and wipes that you will need space in that bag to bring then home...also they gove you instant use bottles with one time use nipples, as they stock up ur babys bed, put them into ur diaper bag so they keep refilling it, THESE WILL SAVE YOU FOR THE FIRST WEEK OR SO, they are so nice to have. do the same with the diaper if you can. bring the baby book to fill out while you are there...the nursery will do the footprints in it for you. i garentee you wont need to bring diapers, bibs or anything else i didnt mention. do make sure to just bring a small wallett with ID, insureance card, small amount of cash, your while purse will just get in the way. you will also have gifts, ballons, ect to bring home. the hospital room you stay in after labor is small, try to bring as little as possiable with out forgetting anything!!! also bring chapstick for labor and maybe a snack for ur coach. babys r us has a great list of exactly what to bring. when i had my first child they wouldnt let me take their blkt home so my fiancee had to go buy one b/c it was cold out....so def bring those!! YOU CANT BRING THE BABY HOME WITH OUT A CARSEAT THAT IS ALREADY PROPERLY INSTALLED, THE NURSE WHO PUSHES YOU OUT WILL CHECK!!!!

You won't need the nail clipper and the brush and comb for the baby. Neither will you need the slippers ( always for the baby - he's won't be walking out of hospital.) Or the bibs. I'm not a mom but I was with my sister when she had her kid and believe me you tend to pack alot of stuff the baby won't need. Do take babygrows though - you'll need alot of those.

You left out a robe for yourself. You can't walk around in your nightdress. And don't wear a sports bra. Are you going to breast feed - then get a maternity bra. If not then get a normal bra with good support. And take more packs of pads - hospitals give you crappy pads - you'll want your own. Take more night dresses - another two or three - you're going to throw away a couple I can tell you.

And congrats! always great to hear ababy is on the way!

I would add some snacks. Maybe some hard candies, granola bars, cereal bars, a container for water to drink from (I never likes their cups, and always spilled them), change for the vending machine for Dad. Maybea journal and a book to read.

You probably won't need that many clothes for baby. They will give you gowns and shirts and stuff which makes for easier changing and healing of belly button. They will have plenty of giapers

Good lUck and have a happy delivery!


Overdone it...yes.

I went to the hospital with a clean outfit for the two of us to go home in. A blanket to go home in. Toiletries. Slippers or comfy shoes. Camera and film. nursing bras if you are planning to breastfeed.

The hospital will provide one of those lovely showin' your hiney off to everybody gowns to wear so they can examine you easily. They will also provide you with pads and disposable panties to wear for your stay because you will bleed heavily and why worry about having to do that kind of laundry when you get home?

Pillows and blankets they will provide as well.

Massage stuff only if you are using it as part of your labor routine.

Diapers they will have. Ditto for wipes, clippers, brush, combs, ointment, blankets, shirts, etc. You only need to worry about what the baby needs to go home in. Everything else they have because they examine the baby frequently and that way nobody has to worry about losing little baby clothes. I took home all the extra diapers and wipes and other baby and mommy related items that were opened because they can't reuse items for another patient once opened. You might even get a free diaper bag to take it all home in.

With my second daughter, who came two weeks early and in less than a half an hour I showed up with nothing at all and the hospital had everything I needed. In fact she was almost born in the elevator getting to the ward.

Anything else is always just a phone call away.

The less you bring the less you have to try to keep track of.

You will be focused on having the baby and then loving your new bundle of joy you won't want to worry about what happened to that pair of socks.


Actually, I think you have overdone it a little. You can take out your going home outfit because you can go home in the same thing you came in with. Also, I would definitely leave your nightgowns home. Having a baby is messy, and you don't want to have to worry about getting your own clothes messy. Wear a hospital gown! The hospital should supply you with pads, but having your own is good.

The hospital should also supply diapers for baby and maybe give you a few to take home. You only need a going home outfit for baby (not 4 outfits) The hospital will keep the baby wrapped in a blanket and have their own little tie-up shirt on him. You also won't need the nail clippers brush or comb or slippers.

Make sure you have a car seat.

Pack your phone book so you have all the numbers you need of the people you want to call. If you have a cell, you may not have reception.

Remember, you'll have more to carry (or your spouse or others) when you leave than when you get there (i.e. baby, flowers, gifts, etc) so pack lightly.


im the same as you, 37 1/2 weeks and just packed my bag. Im so excited. i also have in mine a spray bottle to have sprayed on my face whilst in labour and also a hand held fan- these were both on the advice of my midwife! other than that, what you have sounds good, take as much or as little as you want.

good luck

u dont need all that stuff for the baby. they supply u with everything u need while your there.

for your self, bring your list, and for the baby u really only need to bring a coming home outfit, and the car seat and a bag to bring everything homethere gonna give you. when it comes time to leave the hospital and you have all this crap to take out its gonna annoy you and make it a hastle, plus your relatives are gonna be bringing you flowers and all this other stuff, so just bring what u need

The thing that I would definitely add to that would be some disposable undies at least 14 of them, because no matter what you do with the pads you will still leak!! Otherwise I can't think of anything else, it's better to have too many things than the other way around. Good luck :D

Okey dokey, for starters - why the sports bra? A maternity bra is what you will be needing! The pads - are they XXL? Trust me, you will need some serious protection post partum. make sure the socks you take are loose socks. Take some cash with you also (coins), your mobile phone and charger, a little notebook perhaps so that you may write a "welcome" letter to that special little person :-) Just one thing about toiletries - make them handy and travel size, don't overpack, take flip flops for under shower use and possibly a face towel or two. Chapstick or lip gloss for sure because your lips may get very dry! I would skip the bibs for the baby (you really don't need them at that point. GOOD LUCK!!!!!!

Make sure the pads you bring are the overnight size. You may want to bring binkis for the baby, they give you one at the hospital but the baby may not like it. Shampoo and conditioner is helpful too. I brought snacks for my husband, so he wouldn't leave the room. I also found it helpful to bring a picture to focus on while in labor or if I was feeling sad. I brought a picture of my other kids and one of my ultrasound. No matter what I think you always end up with to much stuff but I would rather have to much than forget something important. Oh I almost forgot don't forget the car seat.

i think you're doing fine as far as YOUR items are concerned. you may want to take some nursing pads if you're planning on breastfeeding.

for baby, you don't need all that stuff. that's too much, which you will come to find out. you don't need 4 outfits and def not 5 bibs. maybe 2 outfits, that way you have a back-up in case of a blow-out or something. i never needed bibs until my daughter was much older, but i breastfed her, so i'm at a loss on that one. i guess you would need them if you were bottle-feeding.

god bless and good luck!!!

Bring change for pay phones or vending machines, spending money for the cafeteria (for your husband).

Bring the baby book for the tiny hand and foot prints. You really won't need that many outfits or diapers. They will supply you with a onesie in the hospital. You shouldn't need the brush, comb or bibs either.

The hospital should also supply you with pads.

I think you are doing fine, i don't think you should bring all of that for the baby tho, they supply that. Maybe feeding bras?

for you:




for baby:

you don't need wipes you can't use wipes the first month(water and paper towels)

they give you diapers

baby only needs a coming home outfit

won't use desitin right away

don't forget the car seay

