วันเสาร์ที่ 11 เมษายน พ.ศ. 2552

What should i pack in my hospital bag? i have already packed...?

i am 37 1/2 weeks pregnant and i have had my bag packed for a few weeks- but i wanted some advice from other mommies who have done it before. in my bag i have:

-2 nightgowns

-sports bras



-puzzle book/pen

-toiletries, brush, etc.

-massage oil/tools

-camera/extra batteries

-2 of my own pillows

-pack of pads

-3 pair maternity undies

-going home outfit (loose dress & maternity stretch pants)

for baby, i have packed:

-10 diapers (they give you some in the hospital, right?)

-travel size wipes

-2 receiving blankets

-1 heavy blanket

-4 outfits w/hats


-brush & comb

-baby nail clipper

-socks (3 pairs)

-2 pairs slippers

-5 bibs

have i overdone it or do i need to add things???

I just had my second child 3 months ago. Some advice: bring as little as possiable. Someone will have to make serveral trips out to the car to bring things things back home with you while you get wheeled out holding the baby. You can bring the nightgowns if you want, but they wull proubly get riuned. The hospital does give you as many gowns as you need as you shower and such. The only bra i wore wore was there and leaving. socks and slippers are a must!!! you will need your toillettreies because they give you nothing but try to bring travel size so you dont have to bring it all home with you. Only bring one pillow if you can, they do give you 1 or 2 anyways. definitly bring pads, they give you a bunch of these huge ones with these netted underwear things to hold them in place (dont throw away they wont give you more) but by the end you will run out of pads, espeacally if you need to stay an extra day. for the baby: pack his diaper bag with: i receiveing blkt, i heavey blkt, 2 outfits to choose from for the picture and maybe a pair of socks. they will give you so many diapers and wipes that you will need space in that bag to bring then home...also they gove you instant use bottles with one time use nipples, as they stock up ur babys bed, put them into ur diaper bag so they keep refilling it, THESE WILL SAVE YOU FOR THE FIRST WEEK OR SO, they are so nice to have. do the same with the diaper if you can. bring the baby book to fill out while you are there...the nursery will do the footprints in it for you. i garentee you wont need to bring diapers, bibs or anything else i didnt mention. do make sure to just bring a small wallett with ID, insureance card, small amount of cash, your while purse will just get in the way. you will also have gifts, ballons, ect to bring home. the hospital room you stay in after labor is small, try to bring as little as possiable with out forgetting anything!!! also bring chapstick for labor and maybe a snack for ur coach. babys r us has a great list of exactly what to bring. when i had my first child they wouldnt let me take their blkt home so my fiancee had to go buy one b/c it was cold out....so def bring those!! YOU CANT BRING THE BABY HOME WITH OUT A CARSEAT THAT IS ALREADY PROPERLY INSTALLED, THE NURSE WHO PUSHES YOU OUT WILL CHECK!!!!

You won't need the nail clipper and the brush and comb for the baby. Neither will you need the slippers ( always for the baby - he's won't be walking out of hospital.) Or the bibs. I'm not a mom but I was with my sister when she had her kid and believe me you tend to pack alot of stuff the baby won't need. Do take babygrows though - you'll need alot of those.

You left out a robe for yourself. You can't walk around in your nightdress. And don't wear a sports bra. Are you going to breast feed - then get a maternity bra. If not then get a normal bra with good support. And take more packs of pads - hospitals give you crappy pads - you'll want your own. Take more night dresses - another two or three - you're going to throw away a couple I can tell you.

And congrats! always great to hear ababy is on the way!

I would add some snacks. Maybe some hard candies, granola bars, cereal bars, a container for water to drink from (I never likes their cups, and always spilled them), change for the vending machine for Dad. Maybea journal and a book to read.

You probably won't need that many clothes for baby. They will give you gowns and shirts and stuff which makes for easier changing and healing of belly button. They will have plenty of giapers

Good lUck and have a happy delivery!


Overdone it...yes.

I went to the hospital with a clean outfit for the two of us to go home in. A blanket to go home in. Toiletries. Slippers or comfy shoes. Camera and film. nursing bras if you are planning to breastfeed.

The hospital will provide one of those lovely showin' your hiney off to everybody gowns to wear so they can examine you easily. They will also provide you with pads and disposable panties to wear for your stay because you will bleed heavily and why worry about having to do that kind of laundry when you get home?

Pillows and blankets they will provide as well.

Massage stuff only if you are using it as part of your labor routine.

Diapers they will have. Ditto for wipes, clippers, brush, combs, ointment, blankets, shirts, etc. You only need to worry about what the baby needs to go home in. Everything else they have because they examine the baby frequently and that way nobody has to worry about losing little baby clothes. I took home all the extra diapers and wipes and other baby and mommy related items that were opened because they can't reuse items for another patient once opened. You might even get a free diaper bag to take it all home in.

With my second daughter, who came two weeks early and in less than a half an hour I showed up with nothing at all and the hospital had everything I needed. In fact she was almost born in the elevator getting to the ward.

Anything else is always just a phone call away.

The less you bring the less you have to try to keep track of.

You will be focused on having the baby and then loving your new bundle of joy you won't want to worry about what happened to that pair of socks.


Actually, I think you have overdone it a little. You can take out your going home outfit because you can go home in the same thing you came in with. Also, I would definitely leave your nightgowns home. Having a baby is messy, and you don't want to have to worry about getting your own clothes messy. Wear a hospital gown! The hospital should supply you with pads, but having your own is good.

The hospital should also supply diapers for baby and maybe give you a few to take home. You only need a going home outfit for baby (not 4 outfits) The hospital will keep the baby wrapped in a blanket and have their own little tie-up shirt on him. You also won't need the nail clippers brush or comb or slippers.

Make sure you have a car seat.

Pack your phone book so you have all the numbers you need of the people you want to call. If you have a cell, you may not have reception.

Remember, you'll have more to carry (or your spouse or others) when you leave than when you get there (i.e. baby, flowers, gifts, etc) so pack lightly.


im the same as you, 37 1/2 weeks and just packed my bag. Im so excited. i also have in mine a spray bottle to have sprayed on my face whilst in labour and also a hand held fan- these were both on the advice of my midwife! other than that, what you have sounds good, take as much or as little as you want.

good luck

u dont need all that stuff for the baby. they supply u with everything u need while your there.

for your self, bring your list, and for the baby u really only need to bring a coming home outfit, and the car seat and a bag to bring everything homethere gonna give you. when it comes time to leave the hospital and you have all this crap to take out its gonna annoy you and make it a hastle, plus your relatives are gonna be bringing you flowers and all this other stuff, so just bring what u need

The thing that I would definitely add to that would be some disposable undies at least 14 of them, because no matter what you do with the pads you will still leak!! Otherwise I can't think of anything else, it's better to have too many things than the other way around. Good luck :D

Okey dokey, for starters - why the sports bra? A maternity bra is what you will be needing! The pads - are they XXL? Trust me, you will need some serious protection post partum. make sure the socks you take are loose socks. Take some cash with you also (coins), your mobile phone and charger, a little notebook perhaps so that you may write a "welcome" letter to that special little person :-) Just one thing about toiletries - make them handy and travel size, don't overpack, take flip flops for under shower use and possibly a face towel or two. Chapstick or lip gloss for sure because your lips may get very dry! I would skip the bibs for the baby (you really don't need them at that point. GOOD LUCK!!!!!!

Make sure the pads you bring are the overnight size. You may want to bring binkis for the baby, they give you one at the hospital but the baby may not like it. Shampoo and conditioner is helpful too. I brought snacks for my husband, so he wouldn't leave the room. I also found it helpful to bring a picture to focus on while in labor or if I was feeling sad. I brought a picture of my other kids and one of my ultrasound. No matter what I think you always end up with to much stuff but I would rather have to much than forget something important. Oh I almost forgot don't forget the car seat.

i think you're doing fine as far as YOUR items are concerned. you may want to take some nursing pads if you're planning on breastfeeding.

for baby, you don't need all that stuff. that's too much, which you will come to find out. you don't need 4 outfits and def not 5 bibs. maybe 2 outfits, that way you have a back-up in case of a blow-out or something. i never needed bibs until my daughter was much older, but i breastfed her, so i'm at a loss on that one. i guess you would need them if you were bottle-feeding.

god bless and good luck!!!

Bring change for pay phones or vending machines, spending money for the cafeteria (for your husband).

Bring the baby book for the tiny hand and foot prints. You really won't need that many outfits or diapers. They will supply you with a onesie in the hospital. You shouldn't need the brush, comb or bibs either.

The hospital should also supply you with pads.

I think you are doing fine, i don't think you should bring all of that for the baby tho, they supply that. Maybe feeding bras?

for you:




for baby:

you don't need wipes you can't use wipes the first month(water and paper towels)

they give you diapers

baby only needs a coming home outfit

won't use desitin right away

don't forget the car seay

วันศุกร์ที่ 10 เมษายน พ.ศ. 2552

Should i have anything else in my hospital bag?

so far i have the following

a few outfits for my baby

a blanket for her ( live in wisconsin, its cold here)

the diaper bag, fully loaded, just in case


a nightgown

comfy outfit to go home in for myself

chap stick

hair tie

hair brush



undies of course

nursing bra

anything else i should bring?

i feel like im forgetting somethings

You need to have things packed for you while in labor.

Music, movies, and so on.


A snowsuit for her to go home in, a special outfit for her to get her hospital pictures taken in. Just about everything else (besides your own clothes) should be provided by the hospital.

Don't forget your shampoo, conditioner, body wash, nursing pads, pads for your undies, and good, warm socks.

Don't forget the car seat, the hospital won't let you go home without one.

A book or avrossword book would come in handy for after the birth. A cell phone maybe. Pad and paper to take notes on things f you want, or just to doodle.

pads cause the ones at the hospitals usually are like dieapers buy the brand you like in overnites for the first few days. a good support bra cuz your chest will swell and some ice packs to help with the swelling if your not breast feeding.

Travel sizes of:



--body wash/soap

--body lotion


--facial cleanser


As well as:

--a small bath puff

--books/magazines/reading materials/gameboy/etc., etc.

--Maxi pads (Extra long ultra-absorbent overnights)


--cosmetics, if you want them

I brought my own pillow..it was a good idea and dont forget to bring your own sanitary pads...they may not provide you with any and if they do you wont like them

I'd bring a couple of blankets - we used more than one b/c they got soiled. Maybe a magazine or book for you, perhaps an address book with phone numbers and a phone card, if needed. Slippers & robe are a must for you. Don't forget they will come & take your baby's pic in the hospital - you want a special outfit for that, also a special outfit to come home in for the baby. Oh and don't forget diapers & pads, tho most hospitals supply some.

I had my baby 6 days ago and the things i was glad i packed - was a face washer as the hospital didnt supply and maternity pads.

Maternity pads, breast pads, a snack for yourself and your partner for during labour, Shampoo, conditioner, soap (i know i had to take it), deodorant, lots of pairs of undies, pj's and the list goes on!!!

shampoo. our local hospital didnt give you shampoo, so with my first i washed my hair with handsoap lol. other than that i think you've got it covered.

A car seat for the baby. If you plan on breast feeding,Take a breast pump with you, and have the nurses teach you how to use it. OUr hospital gave me most of everything on your list, including the diaper bag. a small pillow, roll, rice pack that you can heat up in the microwave for your back might help.

I always packed tennis balls. The are great if you have back labor. Your coach can use them to massage (quite firmly) your back. It really helps. A baby book. I took the time to record the gifts I received in the Hospital. Does the baby outfit have a hat? Another Wisconsin Mom. Best of luck. Don't forget to set the carseat out so Dad can grab it to pick you both up. I didn't wear my own nightgown right away. I saved it until I had visitors.

film, extra pads, just in case the hospital doesnt supply them, bath robe

You need pads. Overnight flow preferably. Believe me, you'll be glad.

You will need a favorite hard candy to suck on because your mouth will get dry. Also try taking something to focus on when your having contractions. IE a baby picture, a picture of someone crossing the finish line, whatever will represent the end of a successful birth. Also your panties should be briefs because they will be more comfortable to wear. To make the labor less boring take some cards or crosswords or even a travel game of some kind. Something that makes you laugh will help with the discomfort. Good Luck!

a robe



batteries for your camera

extra film

you might wanna take some wipes, some hospitals only give you a paper towel to clean your baby's bowel movements. its kinda of hard because the poop is all green and black looking and very sticky.!!! speaking from self experience!!

a few outfits for my baby Tee shirt is about all a newborn needs

a blanket for her ( live in wisconsin, its cold here) Hosptial nurserys are plenty warm baby doesn't need an extra blanket...I spent 18 winters in Central New York it STAYS cold there 6 months out of the year.

the diaper bag, fully loaded, just in case what for? They have diapers at the hospital and will provide everything else you will need...that's what your insurance is paying for.


a nightgown

comfy outfit to go home in for myself

chap stick

hair tie

hair brush

camera Oh yeah like you're going to feel like taking pictures...

camcorder Uh huh like you're going to look like Paris Hilton after having a baby?

undies of course...LOL

nursing bra

some slippers to walk from your room to the nursery in!!!

carseat, and i would take your prenatals, especially if you plan on nursing.

when my friends and I do Mommy Baskets for each other and other moms we include snacks,books, mags, and game books...mommy can get pretty bored whe everyone fawns over baby. : ) CONGRATS!!!! Enjoy your new little girl.

i believe that everyone else told you about everything but i took a find a word puzzle book with me..it helped me take the mind off the contractions (i was in labor for 22 hours) and also gave me something to do the days that i stayed in there

sanitary pads and breast pads, make sure the undies you bring are your old ratty ones because they'll probably get stained...the baby book...shower essentials if you want your own stuff (i'd recommend it)

burping cloths

damp towelett wipeys

I would use the hospitals oh so fashionable gowns, unless your nightgown is one you don't mind throwing away.

Snacks for after pregnancy, any drinks that you can see through for labor, you might get a bit thirsty.

And definately overnight pads with wings, some hospitals have pads without wings. They are so cheap!

Slippers with traction, hospitals floors are cold. Or even flip flops.Your favorite pillow, hospitals pillows have very little stuffing, just be careful just to lean on that pillow, you don't want to stain it. It's nice to have things from home, you'll be there atleast two days. Congratualtions and goodluck!

วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 9 เมษายน พ.ศ. 2552

Packing my hospital bag. What am I forgetting?

I packed a diaper bag with 3 blankets (the hospital ones are itchy, these are soft and smell like me), a coming home outfit for baby, 1 onesie, 2 nightgowns (for me), a pair of sweatpants, underwear, a nursing bra, and a pack of nursing pads.

Am I forgetting anything?

Your toiletries. a going home outfit for you as well (think 6 months pregnant). Things to keep you busy just in case long labor. And I recommend bringing a pillow from home, hospitals arent to comfy


A sweater



Some babies are kept longer in the hospital maybe you can pack more for him.


socks and chapstick..

Camera, make sure that the batteries are new or charged!

Otherwise you did good, you dont need alot as the hospital will supply most of what you need!



Magazine or cards (things to occupy you if your labour is slow or after when your baby is sleeping and you can't!)

Phone or change for the phone.

Maternity pads (there is bleeding and hospital ones are uncomfortable)

Coat for baby when going home incase it's a cold day

Couple vests for baby?

Scratch mits (some babies are born with nails)

Hat for baby (babies loose most of their body heat from their heads)


Dressing gown

Toiletries incase you are in over night

Hope that helped xxx

As a mom that had an emergency c-section for her first, please bring something that isn't tight or fasten around the waist. I am very happy that I had a denim flowy jumper to wear.

Everyone says don't forget a pretty nightgown. I never wore it because I didn't want it to get yucky. The hospital ones worked just fine, and I wasn't there long enough to care. LOL

Hi. Following is a list of items you may want to pack:


And items to consider putting in your diaper bag:


Good luck!

babys bag

-going home outfit/picture outfit


-receving blankets (2)




-2 onesie



-bigger blanket cause it might be cold when i have him

my bag

-shampoo and conditoner

-pjs to sleep and walk around in


-toothbrush and paste


-going home outfit

-tucks for hemroids

-nursing pads




-pluse my husbands stuff

Make sure you pack your own soaps/shampoo/toothbrush/paste etc

warm socks or your own slippers..you may also want your own house coat.

The hospital usually provides diapers for baby, but you might want to take a few of the brand you have at home in case you don't like the ones the hospital has.

Maxi pads!

Camera, munchies (hospital food usually sucks and you may be hungry at times other than mealtimes), slippers (hospital floors are cold), soother, disposable diapers and toiletries for you.

Make sure you bring Lots of panties that are cheap, or old, basically ones you dont care will get nasty. lol If you dont you will have to use the mesh ones the hospital has. ugh

A bottle of water with a squirty top for use when going to the loo after giving birth - trust me! Also tip for when you get home, tea tree oil in your bath is good for helping you heal and fight any infection

Bathrobe, maxi pads, slippers, socks, soap, lotion, deodorant, toothbrush, toothpaste and for the baby mittens and socks/booties.

วันพุธที่ 8 เมษายน พ.ศ. 2552

I think my girlfriend is cheating on me. Help.?

My girlfriend moved this new male roommate in with her a few months ago. I am going insane. My girlfriend and I are professionally, college educated, types. She is real estate investor and I am a teacher. She moved him in because she thought he could help her remodel her bathroom. He is a redneck, religious, bad teeth, roofer, no car, no highschool diploma, slightly retarded.(he is slow). My girlfriend is managing his finances. But they act like boyfriend and girlfriend. She goes to religious movies with him. Cooks him dinner. She bought him a workout center with his money. They went to hardrock cafe together to gamble. She spends more time with him than me. She also goes out with her other male platonic friend and him to church together. Just the three of them. The male friend of hers (whom i know) tells me not to worry--they are just roommates. I dont beleive it. He says he is mentally slow. She yells at me and tells me he has bad teeth and is retarded! She said if i slept with anyone it would be an attorney!

She says she locks her door at night. But the weird thing is she wont let me in her house when he is there. She keeps me separate from him. He is unstable and she tells me he writes her poetry. I havent been over to my girlfriends house in a month. But when I was there one time..I noticed he sleeps in a sleeping bag on his bed. I thought that was odd. I saw my girlfrriend had her nightgown and her bra on the bed with the door wide open. I didnt see condom wrappers or anything unsual. I didnt suspect anything. But i dont know. Should i be concerned? My girlfriend keeps me int he dark about him and says she is liek a mother to him. She does have a heart and many guys call her mom. I met her friends and many of them are churchgoers and some nerdy types. She has told me she has spent the night at some of their houses on the couch. They are no threat at all. Again, many of them are unattractive, nerdy types cause I met them. However, her roommate is a redneck guy.

She says all i do is lecture her and Im no fun to be around anymore. She suggested we go to dating counseling because she thinks i am bipolar, jealous, and have insecurities. I told her she makes me feel insecure. Yet we still fight.

I dont know what to do. I care about her a lot and I dont want to dump her. Any suggestions. Worrying if she is sleeping with him? She also cut sex off with me 3 weeks ago because we argue and she says she is stressed out because our situation is complicated and we have problems. We have tryed talking but end up fighting. Im so stressed out from this situation. I feel like she is playing me. Any suggestions? I need serious answers only.

Dump her before she dumps you, you'll feel much better about it. Cause if she cut you off, she ain't far from getting rid of your A**.

I don't mean to be blunt, well ok yes I do. Dude grow some nads. You have been dumped,and she hasn't even bothered to tell you cause she is to busy with her new relationship.

There are women every where out there, so you should'nt keep killing yourself over one. You sound like you have a long life ahead of you, so go live it. Don't depress yourself over a failed relationship, its just not worth it. Go forth and be happy.

You'll be glade you did!

seriously? dump her. you'll be doing her a favour and give yourself a chance to grow up before getting into a relationship again. It horrifies me to think you are molding young minds.

The first sentence was enough for me. She should be living with you bro.

Don't let her slide in with someone else, something is bound to happen!

well shes not treating you well so you should dump her because you deserve better. confront her and tell her your concerns. but i really think moving on is your best bet because she is probably cheating on you

im not gonna even read the story if you don't trust her break up

I think that even if she isn't cheating there is something very odd about this situation. I would be concerned even if she isn't actually sleeping with him. If I were in your shoes I think I would just say "I am very uncomfortable with this situation and it is undermining our relationship." She may have to make a choice because whether she is sleeping with him or not - he is coming between the two of you.

- Trust her... and maybe if she is cheating on him she'll realize your better or something.

- Spy on her...get a friend to follow them places and see what there talking about

- Talk to her... Calmly ask her about it try to get her to spill her secrets. You can even fake cry or something get her to think you really care.

-Talk to him... maybe you can get him to spill his secrets if he is really that dumb maybe he'll just tell you.

- Find someone else to talk to her/ him: his best guy friend or her best girl friend .

- Break up... you could always be a jerk and just dump her tell her your over her and you don't need a reason.

- buy a new apartment... ask her to move in with you tell her she can pick any apartment with any bathroom she likes if they still keep in much contact TELL HER YOUR HER BOYFRIEND AND YOU SHOULD BE SPENDING MORE TIME WITH HER THAN A "FRIEND" TELL HER SHE NEEDS TO PICK YOU OR HIM AND SEE WHO SHE DECIDES. It may not be the nicest plan but if he really is the guy your explaining it seems better for her to stay away from him anyways

♥ hope that helps♥ Adrienne

mate looks like u love her so much and u don't want to dumb her

well the only thing u can do is and im serious about that u have to spy on her well get a camera in manyway u can install it somewhere in her room in her room whenever u got chance personnaly i don't like spying but when it comes to something like that the only thing u wanna do is spying and u can spy in many ways use ur brain its ur girlfreind and u know the house lie on her if u have too don't fight her be nice to her until u found out what's going on but if she fights u for no reason it does mean she doesn't like u anymore and she might likes the other guy if good luck bro

Well it does sound like she is cheating on you i know im only a teen but i do know my mother has went through this alot and i know what the sighns are and if you ask me yes she probably is i know it is hard or you to face reality about this it would be for me to what i would do is either A.higher a privet investagtor 2.watch her emotins on the phone of when he is aand is not there you will be able to tell she will be either nice or mean when he is there and sweet or mean the other times and if she is avoding you try to find out a little more i kow i sound crazy but trust me my mom did it with her second husband and we found out he was cheatin and one of her boyfreinds i een found out with one of mine please try at least the voice thing! GOOD LUCK SORRY!!!!!!

well i dont "think" she is cheating on you

but she is neglecting the relationship

why cant she move in with you and

then have her roomate move in with you 2

if she wants it that way

you should dump her because

you need someone who loves you at the same amount

and from what i read she dosent really care that much,

and this realtionship is going down the drain

you deserve someone better like i said

Wow. If I were you I would break up.

You are the boyfriend. She is the girlfriend. You two are supposed to be partners, teammates, lovers and best friends. (kinda sappy I know, but you get the idea) If she valued the relationship with you, she would have kicked him out by now.

Its obvious to me that she is putting her relationship with this roommate (no matter how platonic it is) before her relationship with you. It has nothing to do with sex, but rather her actions show he is more important to her at this point in her life. Even if they are simply friends, she obviously is getting something out of their arrangement, like feeling needed.

It is totally ok to be acting jealous, in this case you are right. She IS making you feel insecure. My boyfriend would never let me have a male roommate, not even if the roommate was queer, and because I value him and his feelings I choose to think of that as "normal" boyfriend stuff, and not overly jealous in any way. I have friends who are guys and who I hang out with alone, but living with someone? No freaking way. That is not okay, even if the guy is mentally handicap. (uh huh, mentally slow....ya right)

I don't see any point in trying to get her to see the light, but if you insist, I agree on the couples counseling. But if I were you, I would so find a girl who respects you enough to not live with other guys.

~Good Luck~

Based on your description of her and her friends, I wouldn't be surprised if her attitude toward him is more motherly, however that isn't an excuse for her to prohibit you from coming around. I get the sense that she is very protective of him to the extent of putting him first over you. It seems that she might like the feeling of being needed.

Unfortunately, you being upset and continuing to argue wit her about it won't help the situation. I suggest that you try to be "fun" again (since she says you are not) and get her to realize why she is with you again in the first place. As a girl, I know that when I feel that all is going to happen when see a guy is that we are going to argue, I do not want to see them and much less sleep with them.

However, if this doesn't work, it might be best to end the relationship. It is unfair for you to have to live like that.

Cutting off sex 3 week ago that mean it a big problem. Mabe you try to carry on not to put so much love on her taking it back slowly and see how it goes.Let her hav more freedom she might be stress also because of the fight and argument you all having. Don't have to worry don't let you jealous run over your head.She migh be trustworth also try to belive her and see how it goes.Good Luck

dude its over. she is living with another man. i dont care what she says , there is no way its not personal and intimate. i would never tolerate it. not for a second. if it was not intimate she would let you two hang out. but shes not. dont listen to what she says look at her actions. cooks, manages his finances, hardrock cafe !!!! you have got to be kidding me!!! if there not dating, and it sounds like they are, she sure is dedicating alot of time for this guy. get out now. it doesnt sound kosher.. never chase girls or buses. if you miss one another will be along in 20 mins. and another thing "cut off sex"? dude sex is not a barganing chip. its not a reward for when youre "behaving". 3 weeks???!!! you should have been gone two weeks ago. dont worry about dumping, youve already been dumped

I almost said do not sweat it, but you said she stopped having sex and y'all are fighting constantly. She is up to something or she is cheating. Fair game, I would let her go. If she is putting that guy before you, you should let it go.

Have you ever considered that your paranoia is the problem and not her or her roommate?

How would you feel if you moved in with a girl & you became friends with her..and your girlfriend started being completely paranoid and kept harping on you about how she suspects your relationship with your roommate is suspicious..

if you knew nothing was going on between you and your roommate, how annoyed would you be by her paranoia?? Think about it.

You're showing a complete lack of trust for your girlfriend, and your own insecurities are going to drive you two apart if you don't stop harping.

Maybe you guys should take a break for a while... thats kinda weird you havnent been to her house in a month. and just because he's a geek or dork doesnt mean she couldnt be attracted to him. its not always about the looks! If you cant really trust her and your not happy in the relationhship anymore.. you should just end it.

I will give you my best impression from what I have just read.

There are some people that seek to nurture others that they deem need it. There are those that seek a nurturing type of relationship. Remove religion from this situation. This is not appropriate behavior on your girlfriends part. But, I think that she is not your girlfriend anymore. She just doesnt know how to tell you< or you just arent hearing her. Spare yourself further grief and move on. And on the jealousy part, learn to control it, or it will control you. Good luck to you. I hope you find the answer you seek.

You have to talk to her about it. If she doesn't want to talk about it, it's probably because she's cheating on you. Don't talk to her about it already assuming she is. If you do, she will be insulted at how you don't trust her. It's probably really hard not to assume the worst but maybe it's not as bad as you think, even if the situation looks really bad. You have to find out if she cares about you. If she doesn't, then you have to break up and move on. Sorry.

Well, you have no evidence she's cheating but I sympathize, the sitation sounds hard. I'd hate it if my boyfriend were living with some other girl, she could be a little more sensitive to you given the situation but..again, I can't make any judgements on it cause I'm not there and I don't know what's going on. I would wait it out a bit longer, see how she's acting, if she keeps distancing herself from you, it may be time to confront her and end it for your sake.

First, why didn't you move in with her?

That said...

That's pretty freaking lame of her dude. It sounds like you've tried to talk to her, so that's good. You should probably chill out on questioning her on whether she's cheating on you, though I personally think you have a legitimate case to at least wonder.

Get a better reason as to why she won't let you in her house... because the excuse she gave you is weak as hell.

Right now, I would say to not be "concerned," but don't just blow this off as nothing yet, as her actions aren't exactly lacking in curiosity.

Go to the cousiling with her if she really wants to, just to show that you do care, and take it from there.

วันอังคารที่ 7 เมษายน พ.ศ. 2552

Do i need to pack anything else in my hospital bag?

these are things that are in it so far..

toothbrush and toothpaste


shampoo and face/body soap

moisturising cream

3 nightgowns

dressing gown


4 pairs of socks

a nursing bra

4 pairs of underwear

pads (the large ones)

an outfit to go home in that is nice and stretchy

4 baby grows (seen im having twins)

baby book


more underwear pads....(but i had stiches so bleed alot)

I took a box in with me when i was in the hospital but soon got Thur the box....

An mp3 player i took mine in with me...and i was so glad i did!!

I don't think you'll need you baby book either...

Oh...and a Towel!! most hospitals wont provide you with one...and make sure you don't take a large amount of money either...just to be on the safe side...

And deodorant!


you also would need nappies and someting 4 baby to go home in and maybe pj's as a night dress mite not be that warm when you have baby as your body heat goes down after having a baby and sometime the hosiptal can feel cold

You shold also bring vasliteen 4 the baby to put on there bums as the frist poo is really messy also more baby grows cause you mite have to stay longer and they do be sick sometime

so all the best your so lucky having twins

I had a c-section so i was in for 5days so i took five sets for my baby, one for everyday coz they mite be sick or poo everywhere etc... and i took two towels for the baby when we bathed him, i didnt take any dummies but i would nxt time i have a baby, i took my camara and i got some before shots with my hubby and then after with my hubby and the baby and loads of the baby by himself!!

Dont worry im sure you will be fine!

Oh i think you forgot a bath towel for yourself! I took two!

a camera

mobile phone

phone charger

notepad and pen

phone number list

nipple pads and nipple cream if breast feeding

bottles and formula if bottle feeding


something to entertain you while they sleep (the adrenaline will keep you up for days mate)

Here is a good list to go by:


congrats and good luck

old bath towels as they will probabley get ruined , disposable underwear is good for first few days when flow is heavy, nappies, camera and batteries for those first pics good luckx



baby nappy rash cream

If you have an MP3 player I suggest it or crosswords or something to take your mind off of the time.

Nope not that i can think of you have it all.


Congratulations =D

Sounds like you are ready to go. I can't think of anything else.

A PSP always come in handy

วันจันทร์ที่ 6 เมษายน พ.ศ. 2552

To all first time mom who had delivered baby recently!?

I am 38 weeks pregnant! I just packed my delivery bag for hospital! I want to ask to all the first time mom's who had recently delivered baby- Did you forgot to take anything which was very very important?

I just packed everything that is required - 2 nightgowns,pairs of socks ,pair of slippers ,nursing pads,nursing bra ,2 one piece bodysuits...etc after researching on net. But still can u suggest me something which is very important that i am missing!

I packed a favorite stuffed animal, a small one that I held for the longest time while in labor- then I gave it to my daughter and told her that the animal was with me all the time in L&D- it has great sentimental value and even smelled a little like the hospital!! She loved the idea!!

also SODAS AND SNACKS!!! Pack some snacks for you and hubby, have hubby bring a cooler with lots of soft drinks- the hospital staff is too busy to keep you supplied and buying them in the hospital costs extra $$- so we brought our own sodas and snacks!! plus bring change for vending machines if you want anything else- beats having to run to the cafeteria and eventually, hubby will not want to leave the room. Remember- for you, try to keep caffeine free generally to keep your blood pressure down, but have a drink with a little caffeine there for a boost.

They also suggest to bring a favorite pillow and blanket for your comfort, leave your jewelry at home, remember your camera, camcorder and it's AC or chargers!!! Remember your brush, toothbrush, cosmetics, a mirror!! and anything like body spray that will make you feel feminine and yourself- being so exposed and with somebody constantly up your crotch, those little things will make you feel more dignified being in those embarrassing situations- also hair clips, hair ties, head bands- to keep your hair out of your face- remember, it is called labor because it is alot of work!!

Remember warm clothes for the baby when you take him/her home!

to save you lugging in a huge bag, pack a bag with going home clothes for you and baby that someone can take in later. Also pack a nice top (pregnant size still) so that you can look ok for your first posed baby pics as often this is the pic everyone gets shown (bottom half can look rubbish as it will be under bedding!).

I would suggest more babygros, but again in a bag that can be taken along later if needed.

my hopspital asked that we have a separate easy to find bag with babygro, vest, nappy, hat and blanket for baby to go into as soon as its born. This is given to the midwife to put on as soon as baby is weighed as baby gets very cold when its born! They also suggested that you pack your labour stuff in one bag (eg oils, t-shirts, music) with the baby bag, and the stuff for the stay in another that can be left in car for your birth partner to pick up after labour.

Hmm, I took toiletried and sanitary pads and disposable panties. THAT is a must! Get a pack of cottons if no disposable's and throw away after. Take a few snacks and a book and some onesies for the baby that will fit him/her. Our hospital had undershirts that were TOO big and my son was swimming in them at 7-6.

When you decide what to wear home, make sure it is stretchy and bigger than your other clothes. If you buy panties, buy them a size bigger than normal (at least). Something to keep your feet warm, and a pillow and blanket for your support person. My laptop was a LIFESAVER while I spent the 4 days at the hospital after my c-section. The hospital had wifi and I could email my family and friends baby updates daily (she was in the NICU), and play games to take my mind off the crappy situation and the pain.

Good luck and congrats!

the "etc" doesn't help tell me what you DO have, but makes sure that you have plenty of undies, and something to wear home, you don't want to be walking out to your car in your nightgown. But it sounds like you have done your research, so just relax as much as you can. Good luck and congrats on the baby!

You want to remember you toothbrush, toothpaste, and something to put your hair back. I best thing that I had during my delivery was a dula. They assist you throughout the entire delivery. My dula was totally worth the price. She let my husband sleep and when I needed a nurse she would find them right away so my husband could stay with me. Just a thought.

Yeah! You forgot the toothbrush.

But don't worry - they've got it all at the hospital. You're having a CHILD!

You are not gonna be left in the cold cold snow unless you live in George Bush-country. In that case, may God help you!

But you're having a child anyway, so 'Don't Worry - Be Happy'.

Nurses without limits - care all over; that's their job.

The best to you and the small one!


Toiletries ie: maternity pads if you have a natural you'll definaltey need them. Books/Magazines nipple cream if you breastfeed mitten for bubs as their nails are a little long and too soft to cut anything else should be covered in your hospital leaflet.

I packed a cheap pack of undies about 10 pairs in the packet then i could just bin them after i used them (you bleed alot after having a baby so they get a bit messy) also some comfortable clothes to go home in.

I forgot shampoo, soap and toothpaste. I would also take Always overnight pads. At the hospital, they have these ridiculous pads and hose they make you wear.

I brought my own pillow but wished I had brought my own blanket as well. I had flip flops for the shower and a bathrobe b/c it was easier to just keep on the hospital gown.

Dont know if you packed this already but an invaluable item I had was disposable maternity knickers! So much better than cotton ones and you just bin them! Not pretty looking but thats the last thing on your mind! Good luck x

i forgot food (snacks at least)

the hospital food was disgusting.

If you have a Boppy and a book on nursing, definitely bring those.

วันอาทิตย์ที่ 5 เมษายน พ.ศ. 2552

How do you translate the following things to spanish?

setting up spanish support in my lingerie shop. Would love some help translating the following (babelfish & other services translate literally which does not help...)

Just copy and paste the list into your answer and translate as many as you can.


1-bridal lingerie


3-plus size / woman size



6-sleepwear & pajamas

7-New Arrivals

8-On Sale


10-Bustier & Corsets

11-Bikini Sets

12-Body Stockings


14-Camisole Sets & Tops




18-Dance Wear


20-Edible Goodies

21-Garter Belt Set


23-Valentine Lingerie

24-Mens Wear




28-All American

29-Holiday Collection

30-Pantyhose & Stockings



1-bridal lingerie lenceria para bodas or ("lenceria para luna de miel" if you're saying for honey moon)

2-babydolls babydoll (the same)

3-plus size / woman size tallas grandes/talla de mujer

4-robes bata

5-nightgowns bata de noche

6-sleepwear & pajamas ropa para dormir/ pijamas

7-New Arrivals nuevo (recien llegado)

8-On Sale en oferta/en especial

9-Accessories accesorios

10-Bustier & Corsets corset

11-Bikini Sets juegos de bikini o traje de bano

12-Body Stockings para el cuerpo

13-Bra-Panties-Thongs brasieres - calzones - tangas

14-Camisole Sets & Tops juegos de camiseton o blusas

15-Chemise (sorry have no idea)

16-Clubwear para salir

17-Costumes disfraces

18-Dance Wear para bailar

19-Dresses vestidos

20-Edible Goodies comestibles

21-Garter Belt Set juego de cintos

22-Leather piel

23-Valentine Lingerie lenceria para san valentin

24-Mens Wear ropa de hombre

25-Satin satin

26-Sheer con brillo

27-Teddies de peluche

28-All American todo americano

29-Holiday Collection coleccion de temporada

30-Pantyhose & Stockings medias y calcetines

31-Vinyl vinilo

32-Clearance en oferta/en especial

i hope i helped you!!!

1 ropa interior nupcial 2 muñecas 3 trajes más del tamaño/del tamaño 4 de la mujer 5 camisones 6 llegadas sleepwear y de los pijamas 7-New venta 8-On 9-Accessories 10-Bustier y corsés sistemas 11-Bikini medias 12-Body 13-Bra-Panties-Thongs 14-Camisole fija y remata 15-Chemise 16-Clubwear 17-Costumes desgaste 18-Dance 19-Dresses Goodies 20-Edible sistema de la correa 21-Garter 22-Leather 23-Valentine desgaste de la ropa interior 24-Mens 25-Satin 26-Sheer 27-Teddies americano 28-All 29-Holiday colección 30-Pantyhose y medias 31-Vinyl 32-Clearance

วันเสาร์ที่ 4 เมษายน พ.ศ. 2552

Packing hospital bag?

im only 34 weeks, but i want to be ready. here is a list of thing i have already...tell me what else i should pack thanks

nursing bra

nursing tank










lip balm


a couple washcloths

should i pack towels?

should i pack pads and nursing pads? how many?

i am going to pack camera and charger

also taking the video camera

cell phone charger

can i bring my laptop( for my husband)?

am planning on taking a t shirt for baby and mittens and hat, and a gown.

should i bring diapers? a pacifier?

i really dont know what else i should pack. all advice is apreciated.

i read you should take extra undies? like how many pairs?

The hospital usually has diapers and pacifiers but you should take some so if you plan to go some where after the birth of your baby you can change him. You should pack a sock with two tennis balls in it because a family member can message you while you are in labor. You can also put rice in a sock and bring that because it feels good when you heat it and you are in labor because sometimes your body temp will change a lot. You could take a pillow with you. I did and it made me feel more comfortable to have something from my bed with me while I was laying on the hospital bed. You can also pack some snacks and some drinks because your husband my get hungry and sometimes after you have a baby you will feel hungry too. I sure did.

I brought pads with me because I didn't like the type they had at the hospital. They'll give you nursing pads there. They also have diapers, and pacifiers there, and usually formula too. You might want to bring slippers and a bathrobe. I don't know how it is with a regular delivery, but when I had my babies I had a c-section and had to take a few walks around the halls so I had my bathrobe so I wouldn't expose myself. Oh, and make sure with your nightgown that its easy to nurse in. You don't want to have to pull your dress/nightgown all the way up to feed the baby. Good luck!

HELLO,u should take in a pack of newborn size nappies for the baby.a few sets of clothes for the newborn and especially some sanitary towels ive found the best 1s are the always maxi the night time ones they r about 1.90 for 12 from superdrug and boots.i dont know if you can take the laptop in fone the maternity ward of your hospital and ask them.

Congratulations if you need any more advice my e-mail is samhickinbottom@yahoo.co.uk. this e-mail is for the use of the person asking the question n nobody else

i packed some most of the stuff you have..

pack towels


laptop can go to but not a big thing because he has to pay attention

to you.



I packed 10 under wears and used all.

I would pack a blanket for you and the baby so that yall can bond.

But CONGRATS on the baby is it a BOY or GIRL.

Slippers with rubber soles! Walking around on the hospital floor is nasty! Even with socks on. I recommend a dark color.

วันศุกร์ที่ 3 เมษายน พ.ศ. 2552

Do woman wear bras to bed?

Since I am still a virgin at fifteen I have some questions I would like answered. Do women wear bras underneath their nightgowns when they sleep? Do any women have sexual intercourse with their nightgowns on? If a woman is wearing a long nightgown does she take it off when she is using the toilet?

I'll just answer the bra question...Yes a lot of women do and they should wear a bra while in bed...Its those who dont that end up with the twins hanging down to their knees when they are older...Any doctor will tell you it good to wear one to bed...

wow ... each one of your questions can be answered by a yes or no. It really depends on the girl. Get some experience then come back and you'll realize how lame those questions are. I'm not sure if you're into women or nightgowns!

u r too young to get an answer.

Not if they are smart as that has been proven to increase the risk of breast cancer. Depends upon what type of nightgown it is. As to the last one they usually just lift it up. One of these days you will find out these answers on your own and ask yourself, Why was I ever worried about such nonsense as the last two questions anyway?

It all depends.Just wait 'til you're older...

Do women wear bras underneath their nightgowns when they sleep?


Do any women have sexual intercourse with their nightgowns on?


If a woman is wearing a long nightgown does she take it off when she is using the toilet?


Sleeping with a bra would be VERY uncomfortable... I think it'd be safe to say that 99% of women don't wear a bra when they sleep. Sometimes women have sex with some clothing on... that includes nightgowns. I do not remove my nightgown when going to the bathroom.

What? Ok you are a little freak in the making LOLZ!

umm... NO

Your a little too young to be asking these questions! But I'm the same age you are, so that's weird I said that. Lol! And NO girls do not wear bra's to bed! It's totally uncomfortable!Most girls wear a t-shirt and pajama bottoms, not nightgowns. I don't think anyone does anymore. And about the sexual intercourse thing it really depends on the girl your doing it with. If it's comfortable for her. Your really horny! But that's ok.......I guess, most guys are at 15! Eh. That's life. =]

whoa. ok... umm.. u dont need to know. ur a guy. as soon as u get a wife u will find out for urself. everyone is different.

NO women don't wear bras when they sleep under their nightgown. Many women wear pyjama pants and shirt, not a nightgown you know.

Some women might have sex with a negligee on. It's a really short, skimpy type of nightgown. But most are just naked.

Women hold their nightgown up and in front of them when they go to the bathroom.


im wore short/hot pants, with vesy no bra on, sometimes lingerie no bra on, more comfortable to sleep.

haha... well, im fifteen, and I wear a bra to bed usually.... Or nothing....But anyways, Ive never had sex with a nightgown on, my friend keeps her shirt on though.... No, when u have a long shirt or night gown on, yo ujust lift it up.... lol. u horny little freak!

most women don't sleep in nightgowns, they usually wear pajama tops and bottoms. and no usually women don't wear bras under their pajamas.

วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 2 เมษายน พ.ศ. 2552

Well my wife see n me wearing her lingeria and freek out but the same time she was pisted what should i do?

I was wearing her bra panties nightgown and stocking as i was putting on the stocking she walk in and said o my god and that and every thing else in the book but she was also com to like there somthing she wanted to say .......But i cant read her mind but she couldnt she was dum fowned i no she didnt like it because of look she gave me she was going to be gone for 2 days at the beach ...... But she came back...anyway i want to no what it was like to wear the lingeria ....... So i want no what so amused by woman wearing sexy cloths....like this... Now i no what it feel like silk soft and wonderful but why do woman get the pretty stuff and men dont................... please help me out need addvice a.s .a.p....////???????? thank uuuuuuuuup

You shouldn't wear your wife's clothes. If you have a bigger frame than she, you might stretch them. If this was just a "one time" thing, tell her that and apologize. If you want to do this regularly, you should buy your own. You also need to talk with your wife and tell her your feelings and intentions.

Calm down and sit her down to talk.

Tell her your original intentions, and, if you plan to keep wearing women's clothing, ask her if you can buy your own. If she freaks out, just tell her you're sorry you surprised her and you only like them because the material is more comfortable. Hopefully she'll understand.

Good luck!

I love to get in "drag", simply such is your fem personality between lovers....(however).....study sexual nature asto what is beauty to each the other.

tell her the truth ...which is that u just wanted to see wat it felt like!!!

also wemon git sexy clothes cause they sexy!

tell her you were just seeing what it felt like because you were curious.

Damn fella...YOU married her. You should have known what kind of 'freak' she was before you said, 'I do'...hahaha (just kidding) Why don't you try to talk to her calmly and explain you just wanted to know how 'nice' it felt for her to wear such clothes and ask her if she hasn't ever wanted to know how different articles of male clothing you wore felt on her. It's simple curiosity... Please don't tell me that she's such a religious fanatic that she can't even accept you're wanting to know something so harmless...if it's that way, she has probably already envisioned you as a predatory, child molesting, cross dressing, fetish weary gay person...and damned you straight to hell before she even heard a word you said... If she is, make it short and simple, just get a divorce and live happily ever after...

วันพุธที่ 1 เมษายน พ.ศ. 2552

Hospital Bag? What am I forgetting?

Ok I'm due in a week and a half so it's time to quit messing around and pack my bag... Here is what I packed:

3 pairs panties

2 bras


sweats/t-shirt to wear home


nursing pads

maxi pads

baby blanket

baby hat

baby outfit

I know I need to pack socks, what else have I forgotten???

I'd suggest some sample packs of shampoo, creme rinse, and body wash for when you take a shower. I can't remember if/what the hospital had when I finally got to shower, so I'm glad I had my own stuff.

Also, depending on how you feel, maybe some make-up too -- I thought that would be the last thing I cared about, but after it was all said and done, it was nice to be able to put some mascara on and feel like a human being again.

I am due on the 21 of november! :-) I packed a


cell phone and charger,

panties, nursing bra,

outfit to go home,





baby bag,

baby outfit,



U should pack also slippers,

tooth brush, shampo, body wash,lotion that has no smell to get massage during labor,

adress book,

maybe cd player and music for during labor,

picture from your loved ones,

hard candy to suck on during labor.....

I hope I helped a lil bit!

Good luck!

Hair brush!!! I squirmed around so much during labor/delivery that my hair was a tangled mess. I had to have my sis comb it out for me, took forever. Definately don't forget the brush!

And make sure to pack REALLY warm clothes for your hubby/bf/etc. I was so hot the entire time, I kept asking the nurses to turn down the heat. My poor hubby was FREEZING the whole time! (The nurses kept bringing him warm blankets though.)

Might want to pack a few outfits for your baby. A couple to wear during the hospital stay (the sack sleepers work great while your at the hospital - easy access for drs & nurses) and a couple to choose from to go home. And pack different sizes. I brought newborn & 0-3mo and they were too big so someone had to go buy us some preemie outfits to take him home in.

Maybe a pillow if you don't like the hospital ones, some comfy slippers to walk around in, all your toiletries, like shampoo & conditioner's, toothpaste, etc., you never know how long you will need to stay overnight. FYI, I packed a whole duffel bag when my son was born and I only used like two things out of the whole bag lol! Good luck to you! :)

Shampoo, Conditioner, Tooth brush, tooth paste, cell phone, cell charger, camera, extra batteries or charger for camera, change, snacks, hairbrush, && if your partner will be with you, i suggest him bringing a baithing suit. my boyfriend needed to help me in the shower, and didn't want the nurses seeing everything.

shampoo & conditioner, body wash, toothbrush, toothpaste, hairbrush...

I read to bring a book or playing cards (not sure if you'll be relaxed enough to use them, but whatevs).

Change for the vending machine and snacks (for your coach/partner)

Everything else on your list is the same as what I have. GOOD LUCK! Its so exciting!!!


Camera & charger or batteries and film

I brought my laptop and DVD's

Robe and slippers

Pack a husband bag that goes as well;


Change of clothes

His toilettries


Change for vending/etc

Address book, to call everyone


toothbrush, hair brush (and ties) shampoo and soap if you plan on taking a shower (if you don't want to use theres)

I didn't see a robe and house shoes...