วันอังคารที่ 31 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Do I really need my own nightgown/robe for my hospital bag?

The hospital said that they prefer to just provide them, but I'm not sure they'll have anything that will cover me up satisfactorily during my recover period. Will I be allowed to wear sweats and a t-shirt or do I have to stay in a gown the whole two days after? I've been to three stores in the last few weeks and I almost started crying today after shopping for three hours trying to find some sort of nighty or robe to bring to the hospital. I always just wear flannel pants, sweats or shorts and a tank or t-shirt. All the robes I've found are super-short. The nightgowns don't fit and most don't button (making it easier to nurse without lifting your whole gown up). What items do I ACTUALLY need for this bag? I hate shopping and tend to get depressed when I can't find what I need, so I want to avoid going "out there" again if possible. I ended up settling on some crappy nursing bras in a box from Mervyns because they were the first I could find that would fit me and I was too depressed to keep shopping around more stores.

I'd suggest you stick with getting some kind of nightgown rather than using sweats. I too prefer pants or shorts... but remember, you may end up having a c-section or episiotomy or something, and you can't be wearing pants if you need the nurse's assistance for the first day or two! So, personally I'd rather have a nightgown than go starkers under the sheet.

That said, you could always use a hospital gown. They've already said they prefer to provide them -- I'm certain they are able to accomodate a wide range of body types for both men and women. Even with the tie-shut kind, often you wear one on your back (like a bathrobe) and one on your front, so nothing is flapping in the breeze!

You can wear whatever you want once you have had the baby!! They can advise you to wear the hospital robe when you are in labour and giving birth but after that its up to you what you wear!

I wore a tracksuit and my own dressing gown whilst i was recovering (was in for 4 days due to c-section) and that did me just fine! Take whatever you feel comfortable in and dont let them boss you about, its up to you!!

I stole a night gown from my mom who is bigger then me that i plan to wear... But you don't really NEED to bring one. If the back being open just isn't your thing just bring your sweat pants to wear under the hospitals and think of it this way you don't have to take it home and wash it

dont get upset hun wear whatever is comfortable to u, u can wear whatever u want. try a maternity store at the mall or look online best of luck, i got my gown at wal mart and it is a nursing gown it doesnt button up but it has slits in it and it was a little big but it was comoftable and it wasnt tight which u dont want

Oh my...you can wear exactly what you want! It's a hospital not a prison...your body, your baby, you birth experience...remember YOU are in charge...of course you can wear sweats..I did....and a big t shirt...you dont have to wear, do or say anything you dont want to..you're in charge!

You cant wear sweats and a t-shirt at the hospital (which sucks) because you will be bleeding and a nurse will be coming in to clean you up. You would just ruin the pants. You can take a nightgown of your own, but it will get ruined.

I would suggest getting one just because you don't want to walk around in a hospital gown for 2 days. Your family will be in and out and the robes that tie in the back aren't exactly flattering. I went to wal mart and got a nursing robe and it was great. Here are links to a couple, then you could just order them online and not have to worry about going out.



1 thing you will learn VERY quickly in hospital about the midwives there... they are extremely opinionated on what THEY think you must and mustn't do from what you wear, to how you feed your bub ect... my most valuable piece of advice being a veteran (2 kids already and 1 on the way lol) is this.... ignore what they tell you and do what feels right!!! I wore a crappy old nighty to deliver my babies in, then i had a shower right after, and chucked on pants and a shirt and spent the entire time i was in hospital wearing similar clothes! Do not let yourself get worked up over what they want you to say... because really... with no complications arising.. you're able to safely leave hospital 6 hrs after giving birth... so if they peeve you off enough... just go home!!

Goodluck darl and don't stress... having a baby is stressful enough as it is without them being particularly annoying!

I wore their crappy gowns. One normally and one to like a robe to cover my ***. I was glad to wear and stain their clothes. :) You pass allot of gross things the first few days. Lots of blood clots etc. Its not like I didn't have a giant pad on its just as soon as you move you gush. Anyhow I brought my own long terry cloth type robe for when I took my son and went wandering. Wear what you want anyhow. Just don't wear anything too nice cause anything can happen.

You can wear whatever you want! You can even give birth naked if you want. They'll give you a quick "down there" exam before you go home. You can wear whatever you want-- all you'll have to do is take your pants off for 5 minutes. You're giving birth-- you've earned the right to be comfy!

I'd prefer sweat pants (loose) or loose flannel pants and a baggy t-shirt. You could find a shirt that zips or buttons down the front, or even just wear a bath robe. You don't need to wear a nightgown if you don't want to. By the way, expect to still look about 5 months pregnant after you give birth. So get clothes that will fit that.

Ladies- If you came home early or unexpected and walked?

in only to find your husband or bf in the house walking around in pantyhose, bra, nightgown or just lingerie of some sort that pretty much would tell you he is a closet cross dresser, I am just wondering (still) about how many of you would be able to accept and be supportive even tho he kept it a secret ? Would you rather he told you when you first got together and if so would that have made a difference in you getting married or dating ? And last - would you stay and try to work it out or would you turn and walk away and leave him ? Keep in mind to that one of the hardest things for a crossdressing male to do is to be able to open up to someone and talk about it, In past situations we have trusted and we have been embarrassed in front of family and friends, struggled most of our life with various stages of depression, considered suicide more than once, (thank God I Never went thru with it) and pretty much struggled to maintain a relationship for fear of rejection again, Some say they want to know up front, then others don't want to know at all, and yet others can accept it but they never want to see it or anything about it, We get comments about being gay because we like the feel of woman's silk panties, or the feel good things women get to wear anytime they want, well I like the feel of them as well, but also for me the feelings of wearing lingerie stuff, bra, pantyhose or nightgown etc. it is a way for me to be able to really relax, and I keep it home and private, So I am just wondering where the ladies are that can accept a guy that also happens to be a cross dresser? and no, not gay either,,

Well I would stay with him if I were straight. I would not want to supress who he is just because I don't like what he does. That is just selfish.

I think I'd die of laughter, my husband would NOT make a pretty woman. Still, I don't think I'd be alive to accept him, after literally dying of laughter.

I would be supportive. If anything I would take pride in him. Maybe take him out and help him pick out outfits. Maybe he could even help me.

I would laugh for ages. Then hug him. Then make love to him with us both crossdressing. That could only improve our relationship

Lol i'd laugh so hard if a saw a male doing that, but then id accept them

At first I would laugh really hard...

But, yeah.

I'd accept him.

What ever floats his boat!

Uhh, my typical guy type if more feminine (:

Girls pants, tight shirts, etc.

So I guess I'd be pretty accepting?

My GF never wears femmy things... she just collects them

First I am a lesbian so this might be different from a straight girls answer but it interested me:

I would probably laugh and say that he can have all my next years Christmas presents, (my family has a tenancy of buying me 'girly' things that I would never wear) I might be a bit sad that he felt like he couldn't be himself around me, but then again as you mentioned there are several people who might seem to be accepting and then turn out not to be. So overall, I would be fine with it and try to support him no matter what he liked to wear.

It's what's on the inside that counts.

Well I would probably wished he had trusted me enough to tell me up front. But being bisexual myself I know the kind of controversy and fear people go through with opening up about this. My boyfriend is bisexual and I am so happy he told me early in our relationship. He hasn't "came out" to many people yet. I don't mind having relationships with "odd" people. Lol, that seems to be the only kind I ever get in actually. Anyways, back to the question, I don't think it should be too early in the relationship but definitely sometime in the beginning stages. If the girl doesn't accept who you are then she's not good enough for you! Same towards guys!

For me its simple. I would consider this a very little problem. My issues would be about honesty,your values as a person, integrity, morales,and whether or not you work for a living ; and not live off the govt.! I also do not think people should be so sue happy! Earn your living and earn your respect in areas where it matters

Women: If your wearing a nightgown, simple to sleep in kind nothing fancy/sexy do you wear anything underneat

if so what? bra and panties or just one ? same topic: Do you prefer long ones or short ones?

Hmm you know they have special sites to "help" you out?

wouldn't you like to know ;)

i'd wear undies, it'd be more comfortable

your weird

How old are you?


No bra... panties maybe. You want to look sexy and feel free. My boyfriend loves to wake up in the morning and wrap his arms around me. no bra.. and if he's feeling good, We'll start off the morning right and I wont have to slow us down by taking off my panties!

i dont wear a bra but im not comfy w/out panties lol.... my opinion : )

are you like10 years old??

i never wear a bra to sleep, but i always wear a thong or panties.

i really ♥ short, cute nightgowns that show off my adorable petite bod=D

panties, you dont have to wear a bra, your in your own bed (alone hopefully). i prefer short, the long ones usually get curled up under the covers, and it tends to get uncomfy sometimes, but that just me!!


Watsa matter? Can't find someone to have phone sex widja?

I never wear underwear when sleeping.

วันเสาร์ที่ 28 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2552

How big was your hospital bag?

I am 34 weeks tomorrow and have been packing my hospital bag for the baby and I. I feel like I am packing my whole house(cd player,pads, clothes,cosmetics,nursing bras,nightgowns,etc)! I have been going off lists from the internet and it just seems like so much stuff! How big was your bag? Am I packing too much or is there just lots of stuff you need? Any advise would be great! Thanks!

Pack some comfortable items to wear after the delivery (once the doctor tells you it is okay to wear your own clothing), You will need your personal items (toothbrush, brush/comb, etc) and of course an outfit for the baby ( I took 2 just in case the first one was a little big) You may also want a baby blanket to go home with. I did not take any extra items like CD player, books, etc because I just delivered and I needed the rest (what little I got, the nurses bug you a lot). The size of my back was a normal back pack/diaper bag. I ONLY took what was necessary for a couple of days. Really it is up to you how much you want to carry...But remember what ever you take you must bring back home and with a baby too! Good Luck and congratulations.

Mine's my carry-on bag. I think I had a bigger bag with my first baby, but this is my 5th, so I've got it down to a science. A lot of the stuff I took to the hospital the first time I NEVER used.

Don't worry about taking too much, I think you'd rather do that than not have something and wish you'd included it. If you have more kiddos, next time you'll have a better idea of what you'll actually want and need.

Congrats, not long now!

I had 2 different bags. One for delivery cd player and the other stuff we thought we would need. Then another bag with 2 changes of clothes and one outfit to take the baby home in and what ever cosmetics I needed. I did get some travel size stuff so as not to take up so much room. The hospital will have pads and gowns for you to wear and they generally are nursing gowns so don't worry about those things. Just remember there is not much room and you can always send someone out to get something for you. Good luck, being a mom is awesome. My daughter is 9 months.

well thats good you getting started now i waited until i was in labor to pack my bag, but you will need for the baby: clothes, socks, t-shirts,car seat,(the hospital will give you diapers,wipes,baby wash,craddle cap brush,hat),blankets,outfit for pictures. For yourself: capstick,hard candy (throat gets dry),loose fitting clothes(sweatpants,t-shirts), socks,nursing bra, nursing nightgown(you dont really need pads cause the hospital will give you those and a ice pad) camera,(get your hair done in a style you dont have to worry about keeping up) i may have missed something but thats about it

One or two nightgowns, slippers, clean undies and things such as a blanket, sleeper or outfit for the baby is all the clothes you should need. you can take a hair dryer and your toothpaste, toothbrush, and other toiletries .

I read somewhere to pack two bags - one for during labor, with your labor goodies (CDs, hard candies, tennis ball for massage, etc.) and a small suitcase with clothes. That being said, I had an emergency c-section 3 weeks ahead of schedule. My labor bag was ready but I didn't have any clothes with me except what I wore to the hospital. In the end it didn't matter because I ended up being much more comfy in hospital gowns! The one thing I'm glad I put in my labor bag in terms of clothing was warm socks - the hospital room temps were all over the place. You probably won't use half of what you pack! I didn't!

I used a med. size duffel bag. I packed a going home outfit for me and the baby and travel size toiletries. I suggest using hospital gowns so yours doesn't get stained and just bring a robe in case you want to walk the halls or when you have company. I was a scheduled csection so I didn't need a cd player or anything like that. The hosp. provided the pads and such so I didn't pack any of those items either. Good luck and congrats.

call the hospital- most of them have a CD player in the room.

same with the pads- the store doesn't sell the ones you need right after anyway. pack a bunch of nightgowns- PJ's are a mistake- overflow of sleeping funny will ruin them.

pack shampoo and body wash (Moisturizing- for some reason skin tends to dry out after) Showers will be your best friend- I must've taken 20 before I left the hospital each time. slippers or plenty of socks and mouthwash and toothpaste. You only need 1 outfit for each of you to wear home. and after that everything else will be provided at the hospital- i.e. diapers, formula.

We have a regular-sized suitcase packed. This is my second pregnancy and the first time we used the same suitcase. We packed nightgowns, and a robe for me, some old underwear, nursing bras, nursing pads, toiletries, clothes for my husband, movies to watch during labor, the digital camera, photo dock, and laptop, coming home outfits for the baby and me, clothes and toiletries for my husband, and some extra room for freebies from the hospital.

I didn't pack that much, nightgown, going home outfit for you and baby, robe, socks, underwear, suckers (come in handy for dry mouth. Don't worry about forgetting something, believe me hubby will be more than happy to get out of the hospital for an hour or two to run errands for you if you do forget something. When you are in the hospital all the attention is around you and the baby, he'll need to get some "fresh air". Plus this gives you and the baby some ALONE time.

I packed my bag 11 times for 11 hospital stays. The lists online are excessive! I packed a suitcase that was carry-on sized. (Large backpack, small gym-bag size)

My list:

Carmex (#1 most important thing!)

Toiletries - deoderant, hair brush, tooth brush and tooth paste is about all that is needed unless you're very fussy and your baby is kept in the nursery,not rooming in.

A skirt to wear during labor - it's easy for them to do exams. MUCH more comfy than a hospital gown!

A support tank or comfy stretchy bra to wear during labor and if you choose to breastfeed. If you think you will NOT opt for early discharge, pack 2 of each.

Pajamas, tank top and robe for recovery. If you think you will NOT opt for early discharge, pack 2 of each.

Camera and batteries.

List of phone numbers if you will want to call people right away.

Baby book if you want to put foot prints in it.

Clothes for baby


Don't pack:

Pads. The hospital provides them. They're about 4 times as big as a maxi overnight pad. You'll need it!

CD player. Most hospitals provide CD players and CDs.

Cosmetics. Seriously... it will be the last thing on your mind. ... And all the other mothers will hate you for it :)

Nursing bra. I think they're unnecessary and ugly in general. A support tank top and stretchy bra is great. Just slide the bra strap off your shoulder and pull out your boob.

If the hospital has a Mother's Lounge with food, don't pack snacks.

If the hospital provides "meshies" you may not want to pack underwear. If you do, pack LOTS. You'll need them!

Clothes to go home in - you can wear the clothes that you wore to the hospital!

วันศุกร์ที่ 27 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Where is the best place to buy nursing bras, sleepwear and clothes?


I am currently 36 weeks pregnant and I am looking for nursing stuff (bras, nightgowns, shirts, etc.). Are there any stores that carry that kind of stuff other than Motherhood Maternity. Our local store is pretty small and their selection is not that great. By the way, I live in Virginia in case that makes a difference. Thanks for any advice you can give! :)

Kohl's is my favorite place for maternity clothes. They are very cute and flattering, and when they go on sale the prices are great.

As for nursing gowns, it's very hard to find pretty nightgowns at a good price. The majority of nursing gowns come up to the knee and look like big baggy t-shirts with slits in the top. I also tried one of the famous Aimee Nursing Gowns but it was also knee-high, the fabric was thick and the top didn't fit very well.

I suggest you go to your local department stores and check out their nightgowns and lingerie. You could look for button down gowns or ones with stretchy fabric that can be pulled back.

For nursing bras....I love these people:


Great service and they guarantee a great fit, and shipping is FREE. Locally, Target has some good nursing bras and camis.

One of the best sites for nursing bras and sleepwear is Bare Necessities.

They have a large assortment of nursing bras in all price ranges. http://www.barenecessities.com/search.asp?search=Nursing+Bras&mode=1

They also have awesome nursing sleepwear.


These were my favorite pj's!


Link to nursing camis


This is an awesome cami for shrinking your mid section post partum!


Hope this helps! Good luck!

Kohls has some stuff, and also Old Navy usually has a good selection of maternity clothes!

Also, check out the maternity ward of your hopsital, they usually have a boutique of sorts that sells these sorts of things too!

Please look nursing bras at Amazon.


Hope this help.

Good Luck.

I got a great nursing bra (nice and padded not to thin) bra at Prime Outlet in Williamsburg (it think it was Prime outlet anyway)..and the price was good to, I think only around16$$$ for a nursing bra.

I try to save money as much as possible... So I got my stuff from Walmart and Target, they have nice selections too!

วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 26 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Looking for a source of nightgowns with built-in bra/support?

I am a large busted woman. I am trying to find a source of nightgowns with support. I like to go bra-less at night, but I do enjoy some support. Stores, web sites, catalogs anything is helpful. Thanks








hope these help.try victoria's secret as well.

วันอังคารที่ 24 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Do you think that walking around in a nightgown like looks like a summer dress without a bra is disrespectful?

It's not overtly sexy looking or see-thru but who are you willing to walk around like that in front of? Besides your husband/bf of course.

I'd probably wear it around my husband's buddies but cross my arms over my chest...lol. Funny thing you ask that, i had on my jammies last night, a tight white thin tee shirt without a bra and my husband comes strolling in with his friends that showed up, didnt have time to hide, you can imagine the cold weather jokes...lol

I guess it depends on where your wearing it. I wouldn't wear it to a night out with friends, but i guess at home or a walk on the beach wearing something like that won't harm anybody. Hope i helped xXx

Hmmm sounds okay

just aslong as it doesnt look like u aint got a bra on..

http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index;_ylt=AhHTlSo0clVhi2e1XqBNFcTsy6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20080907044149AAT84WU answer mine?

Family, friends, even neighbours if i've just walked outside to get the paper or something.

It's just a nightgown.

Depends who you are aiming to be disrespectful to.

In house you can wear but unkown people & out side houe can be avoided

You can wear that around me I wont mind.

umm yeah... lol... the only person who would like to see u naked or partially naked is the one u get it on with.. otherwise, no one would like to see that.


วันจันทร์ที่ 23 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Hospital Bag? What am I forgetting?

Ok I'm due in a week and a half so it's time to quit messing around and pack my bag... Here is what I packed:

3 pairs panties

2 bras


sweats/t-shirt to wear home


nursing pads

maxi pads

baby blanket

baby hat

baby outfit

I know I need to pack socks, what else have I forgotten???

I'd suggest some sample packs of shampoo, creme rinse, and body wash for when you take a shower. I can't remember if/what the hospital had when I finally got to shower, so I'm glad I had my own stuff.

Also, depending on how you feel, maybe some make-up too -- I thought that would be the last thing I cared about, but after it was all said and done, it was nice to be able to put some mascara on and feel like a human being again.

I am due on the 21 of november! :-) I packed a


cell phone and charger,

panties, nursing bra,

outfit to go home,





baby bag,

baby outfit,



U should pack also slippers,

tooth brush, shampo, body wash,lotion that has no smell to get massage during labor,

adress book,

maybe cd player and music for during labor,

picture from your loved ones,

hard candy to suck on during labor.....

I hope I helped a lil bit!

Good luck!

Hair brush!!! I squirmed around so much during labor/delivery that my hair was a tangled mess. I had to have my sis comb it out for me, took forever. Definately don't forget the brush!

And make sure to pack REALLY warm clothes for your hubby/bf/etc. I was so hot the entire time, I kept asking the nurses to turn down the heat. My poor hubby was FREEZING the whole time! (The nurses kept bringing him warm blankets though.)

Might want to pack a few outfits for your baby. A couple to wear during the hospital stay (the sack sleepers work great while your at the hospital - easy access for drs & nurses) and a couple to choose from to go home. And pack different sizes. I brought newborn & 0-3mo and they were too big so someone had to go buy us some preemie outfits to take him home in.

Maybe a pillow if you don't like the hospital ones, some comfy slippers to walk around in, all your toiletries, like shampoo & conditioner's, toothpaste, etc., you never know how long you will need to stay overnight. FYI, I packed a whole duffel bag when my son was born and I only used like two things out of the whole bag lol! Good luck to you! :)

Shampoo, Conditioner, Tooth brush, tooth paste, cell phone, cell charger, camera, extra batteries or charger for camera, change, snacks, hairbrush, && if your partner will be with you, i suggest him bringing a baithing suit. my boyfriend needed to help me in the shower, and didn't want the nurses seeing everything.

shampoo & conditioner, body wash, toothbrush, toothpaste, hairbrush...

I read to bring a book or playing cards (not sure if you'll be relaxed enough to use them, but whatevs).

Change for the vending machine and snacks (for your coach/partner)

Everything else on your list is the same as what I have. GOOD LUCK! Its so exciting!!!


Camera & charger or batteries and film

I brought my laptop and DVD's

Robe and slippers

Pack a husband bag that goes as well;


Change of clothes

His toilettries


Change for vending/etc

Address book, to call everyone


toothbrush, hair brush (and ties) shampoo and soap if you plan on taking a shower (if you don't want to use theres)

I didn't see a robe and house shoes...

วันอาทิตย์ที่ 22 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Do I really need my own nightgown/robe for my hospital bag?

The hospital said that they prefer to just provide them, but I'm not sure they'll have anything that will cover me up satisfactorily during my recover period. Will I be allowed to wear sweats and a t-shirt or do I have to stay in a gown the whole two days after? I've been to three stores in the last few weeks and I almost started crying today after shopping for three hours trying to find some sort of nighty or robe to bring to the hospital. I always just wear flannel pants, sweats or shorts and a tank or t-shirt. All the robes I've found are super-short. The nightgowns don't fit and most don't button (making it easier to nurse without lifting your whole gown up). What items do I ACTUALLY need for this bag? I hate shopping and tend to get depressed when I can't find what I need, so I want to avoid going "out there" again if possible. I ended up settling on some crappy nursing bras in a box from Mervyns because they were the first I could find that would fit me and I was too depressed to keep shopping around more stores.

I'd suggest you stick with getting some kind of nightgown rather than using sweats. I too prefer pants or shorts... but remember, you may end up having a c-section or episiotomy or something, and you can't be wearing pants if you need the nurse's assistance for the first day or two! So, personally I'd rather have a nightgown than go starkers under the sheet.

That said, you could always use a hospital gown. They've already said they prefer to provide them -- I'm certain they are able to accomodate a wide range of body types for both men and women. Even with the tie-shut kind, often you wear one on your back (like a bathrobe) and one on your front, so nothing is flapping in the breeze!

You can wear whatever you want once you have had the baby!! They can advise you to wear the hospital robe when you are in labour and giving birth but after that its up to you what you wear!

I wore a tracksuit and my own dressing gown whilst i was recovering (was in for 4 days due to c-section) and that did me just fine! Take whatever you feel comfortable in and dont let them boss you about, its up to you!!

I stole a night gown from my mom who is bigger then me that i plan to wear... But you don't really NEED to bring one. If the back being open just isn't your thing just bring your sweat pants to wear under the hospitals and think of it this way you don't have to take it home and wash it

dont get upset hun wear whatever is comfortable to u, u can wear whatever u want. try a maternity store at the mall or look online best of luck, i got my gown at wal mart and it is a nursing gown it doesnt button up but it has slits in it and it was a little big but it was comoftable and it wasnt tight which u dont want

Oh my...you can wear exactly what you want! It's a hospital not a prison...your body, your baby, you birth experience...remember YOU are in charge...of course you can wear sweats..I did....and a big t shirt...you dont have to wear, do or say anything you dont want to..you're in charge!

You cant wear sweats and a t-shirt at the hospital (which sucks) because you will be bleeding and a nurse will be coming in to clean you up. You would just ruin the pants. You can take a nightgown of your own, but it will get ruined.

I would suggest getting one just because you don't want to walk around in a hospital gown for 2 days. Your family will be in and out and the robes that tie in the back aren't exactly flattering. I went to wal mart and got a nursing robe and it was great. Here are links to a couple, then you could just order them online and not have to worry about going out.



1 thing you will learn VERY quickly in hospital about the midwives there... they are extremely opinionated on what THEY think you must and mustn't do from what you wear, to how you feed your bub ect... my most valuable piece of advice being a veteran (2 kids already and 1 on the way lol) is this.... ignore what they tell you and do what feels right!!! I wore a crappy old nighty to deliver my babies in, then i had a shower right after, and chucked on pants and a shirt and spent the entire time i was in hospital wearing similar clothes! Do not let yourself get worked up over what they want you to say... because really... with no complications arising.. you're able to safely leave hospital 6 hrs after giving birth... so if they peeve you off enough... just go home!!

Goodluck darl and don't stress... having a baby is stressful enough as it is without them being particularly annoying!

I wore their crappy gowns. One normally and one to like a robe to cover my ***. I was glad to wear and stain their clothes. :) You pass allot of gross things the first few days. Lots of blood clots etc. Its not like I didn't have a giant pad on its just as soon as you move you gush. Anyhow I brought my own long terry cloth type robe for when I took my son and went wandering. Wear what you want anyhow. Just don't wear anything too nice cause anything can happen.

You can wear whatever you want! You can even give birth naked if you want. They'll give you a quick "down there" exam before you go home. You can wear whatever you want-- all you'll have to do is take your pants off for 5 minutes. You're giving birth-- you've earned the right to be comfy!

I'd prefer sweat pants (loose) or loose flannel pants and a baggy t-shirt. You could find a shirt that zips or buttons down the front, or even just wear a bath robe. You don't need to wear a nightgown if you don't want to. By the way, expect to still look about 5 months pregnant after you give birth. So get clothes that will fit that.

วันเสาร์ที่ 21 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Ladies- If you came home early or unexpected and walked?

in only to find your husband or bf in the house walking around in pantyhose, bra, nightgown or just lingerie of some sort that pretty much would tell you he is a closet cross dresser, I am just wondering (still) about how many of you would be able to accept and be supportive even tho he kept it a secret ? Would you rather he told you when you first got together and if so would that have made a difference in you getting married or dating ? And last - would you stay and try to work it out or would you turn and walk away and leave him ? Keep in mind to that one of the hardest things for a crossdressing male to do is to be able to open up to someone and talk about it, In past situations we have trusted and we have been embarrassed in front of family and friends, struggled most of our life with various stages of depression, considered suicide more than once, (thank God I Never went thru with it) and pretty much struggled to maintain a relationship for fear of rejection again, Some say they want to know up front, then others don't want to know at all, and yet others can accept it but they never want to see it or anything about it, We get comments about being gay because we like the feel of woman's silk panties, or the feel good things women get to wear anytime they want, well I like the feel of them as well, but also for me the feelings of wearing lingerie stuff, bra, pantyhose or nightgown etc. it is a way for me to be able to really relax, and I keep it home and private, So I am just wondering where the ladies are that can accept a guy that also happens to be a cross dresser? and no, not gay either,,

Well I would stay with him if I were straight. I would not want to supress who he is just because I don't like what he does. That is just selfish.

I think I'd die of laughter, my husband would NOT make a pretty woman. Still, I don't think I'd be alive to accept him, after literally dying of laughter.

I would be supportive. If anything I would take pride in him. Maybe take him out and help him pick out outfits. Maybe he could even help me.

I would laugh for ages. Then hug him. Then make love to him with us both crossdressing. That could only improve our relationship

Lol i'd laugh so hard if a saw a male doing that, but then id accept them

At first I would laugh really hard...

But, yeah.

I'd accept him.

What ever floats his boat!

Uhh, my typical guy type if more feminine (:

Girls pants, tight shirts, etc.

So I guess I'd be pretty accepting?

My GF never wears femmy things... she just collects them

First I am a lesbian so this might be different from a straight girls answer but it interested me:

I would probably laugh and say that he can have all my next years Christmas presents, (my family has a tenancy of buying me 'girly' things that I would never wear) I might be a bit sad that he felt like he couldn't be himself around me, but then again as you mentioned there are several people who might seem to be accepting and then turn out not to be. So overall, I would be fine with it and try to support him no matter what he liked to wear.

It's what's on the inside that counts.

Well I would probably wished he had trusted me enough to tell me up front. But being bisexual myself I know the kind of controversy and fear people go through with opening up about this. My boyfriend is bisexual and I am so happy he told me early in our relationship. He hasn't "came out" to many people yet. I don't mind having relationships with "odd" people. Lol, that seems to be the only kind I ever get in actually. Anyways, back to the question, I don't think it should be too early in the relationship but definitely sometime in the beginning stages. If the girl doesn't accept who you are then she's not good enough for you! Same towards guys!

For me its simple. I would consider this a very little problem. My issues would be about honesty,your values as a person, integrity, morales,and whether or not you work for a living ; and not live off the govt.! I also do not think people should be so sue happy! Earn your living and earn your respect in areas where it matters

วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 19 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Women: If your wearing a nightgown, simple to sleep in kind nothing fancy/sexy do you wear anything underneat

if so what? bra and panties or just one ? same topic: Do you prefer long ones or short ones?

Hmm you know they have special sites to "help" you out?

wouldn't you like to know ;)

i'd wear undies, it'd be more comfortable

your weird

How old are you?


No bra... panties maybe. You want to look sexy and feel free. My boyfriend loves to wake up in the morning and wrap his arms around me. no bra.. and if he's feeling good, We'll start off the morning right and I wont have to slow us down by taking off my panties!

i dont wear a bra but im not comfy w/out panties lol.... my opinion : )

are you like10 years old??

i never wear a bra to sleep, but i always wear a thong or panties.

i really ♥ short, cute nightgowns that show off my adorable petite bod=D

panties, you dont have to wear a bra, your in your own bed (alone hopefully). i prefer short, the long ones usually get curled up under the covers, and it tends to get uncomfy sometimes, but that just me!!


Watsa matter? Can't find someone to have phone sex widja?

I never wear underwear when sleeping.

วันพุธที่ 18 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2552

How big was your hospital bag?

I am 34 weeks tomorrow and have been packing my hospital bag for the baby and I. I feel like I am packing my whole house(cd player,pads, clothes,cosmetics,nursing bras,nightgowns,etc)! I have been going off lists from the internet and it just seems like so much stuff! How big was your bag? Am I packing too much or is there just lots of stuff you need? Any advise would be great! Thanks!

Pack some comfortable items to wear after the delivery (once the doctor tells you it is okay to wear your own clothing), You will need your personal items (toothbrush, brush/comb, etc) and of course an outfit for the baby ( I took 2 just in case the first one was a little big) You may also want a baby blanket to go home with. I did not take any extra items like CD player, books, etc because I just delivered and I needed the rest (what little I got, the nurses bug you a lot). The size of my back was a normal back pack/diaper bag. I ONLY took what was necessary for a couple of days. Really it is up to you how much you want to carry...But remember what ever you take you must bring back home and with a baby too! Good Luck and congratulations.

Mine's my carry-on bag. I think I had a bigger bag with my first baby, but this is my 5th, so I've got it down to a science. A lot of the stuff I took to the hospital the first time I NEVER used.

Don't worry about taking too much, I think you'd rather do that than not have something and wish you'd included it. If you have more kiddos, next time you'll have a better idea of what you'll actually want and need.

Congrats, not long now!

I had 2 different bags. One for delivery cd player and the other stuff we thought we would need. Then another bag with 2 changes of clothes and one outfit to take the baby home in and what ever cosmetics I needed. I did get some travel size stuff so as not to take up so much room. The hospital will have pads and gowns for you to wear and they generally are nursing gowns so don't worry about those things. Just remember there is not much room and you can always send someone out to get something for you. Good luck, being a mom is awesome. My daughter is 9 months.

well thats good you getting started now i waited until i was in labor to pack my bag, but you will need for the baby: clothes, socks, t-shirts,car seat,(the hospital will give you diapers,wipes,baby wash,craddle cap brush,hat),blankets,outfit for pictures. For yourself: capstick,hard candy (throat gets dry),loose fitting clothes(sweatpants,t-shirts), socks,nursing bra, nursing nightgown(you dont really need pads cause the hospital will give you those and a ice pad) camera,(get your hair done in a style you dont have to worry about keeping up) i may have missed something but thats about it

One or two nightgowns, slippers, clean undies and things such as a blanket, sleeper or outfit for the baby is all the clothes you should need. you can take a hair dryer and your toothpaste, toothbrush, and other toiletries .

I read somewhere to pack two bags - one for during labor, with your labor goodies (CDs, hard candies, tennis ball for massage, etc.) and a small suitcase with clothes. That being said, I had an emergency c-section 3 weeks ahead of schedule. My labor bag was ready but I didn't have any clothes with me except what I wore to the hospital. In the end it didn't matter because I ended up being much more comfy in hospital gowns! The one thing I'm glad I put in my labor bag in terms of clothing was warm socks - the hospital room temps were all over the place. You probably won't use half of what you pack! I didn't!

I used a med. size duffel bag. I packed a going home outfit for me and the baby and travel size toiletries. I suggest using hospital gowns so yours doesn't get stained and just bring a robe in case you want to walk the halls or when you have company. I was a scheduled csection so I didn't need a cd player or anything like that. The hosp. provided the pads and such so I didn't pack any of those items either. Good luck and congrats.

call the hospital- most of them have a CD player in the room.

same with the pads- the store doesn't sell the ones you need right after anyway. pack a bunch of nightgowns- PJ's are a mistake- overflow of sleeping funny will ruin them.

pack shampoo and body wash (Moisturizing- for some reason skin tends to dry out after) Showers will be your best friend- I must've taken 20 before I left the hospital each time. slippers or plenty of socks and mouthwash and toothpaste. You only need 1 outfit for each of you to wear home. and after that everything else will be provided at the hospital- i.e. diapers, formula.

We have a regular-sized suitcase packed. This is my second pregnancy and the first time we used the same suitcase. We packed nightgowns, and a robe for me, some old underwear, nursing bras, nursing pads, toiletries, clothes for my husband, movies to watch during labor, the digital camera, photo dock, and laptop, coming home outfits for the baby and me, clothes and toiletries for my husband, and some extra room for freebies from the hospital.

I didn't pack that much, nightgown, going home outfit for you and baby, robe, socks, underwear, suckers (come in handy for dry mouth. Don't worry about forgetting something, believe me hubby will be more than happy to get out of the hospital for an hour or two to run errands for you if you do forget something. When you are in the hospital all the attention is around you and the baby, he'll need to get some "fresh air". Plus this gives you and the baby some ALONE time.

I packed my bag 11 times for 11 hospital stays. The lists online are excessive! I packed a suitcase that was carry-on sized. (Large backpack, small gym-bag size)

My list:

Carmex (#1 most important thing!)

Toiletries - deoderant, hair brush, tooth brush and tooth paste is about all that is needed unless you're very fussy and your baby is kept in the nursery,not rooming in.

A skirt to wear during labor - it's easy for them to do exams. MUCH more comfy than a hospital gown!

A support tank or comfy stretchy bra to wear during labor and if you choose to breastfeed. If you think you will NOT opt for early discharge, pack 2 of each.

Pajamas, tank top and robe for recovery. If you think you will NOT opt for early discharge, pack 2 of each.

Camera and batteries.

List of phone numbers if you will want to call people right away.

Baby book if you want to put foot prints in it.

Clothes for baby


Don't pack:

Pads. The hospital provides them. They're about 4 times as big as a maxi overnight pad. You'll need it!

CD player. Most hospitals provide CD players and CDs.

Cosmetics. Seriously... it will be the last thing on your mind. ... And all the other mothers will hate you for it :)

Nursing bra. I think they're unnecessary and ugly in general. A support tank top and stretchy bra is great. Just slide the bra strap off your shoulder and pull out your boob.

If the hospital has a Mother's Lounge with food, don't pack snacks.

If the hospital provides "meshies" you may not want to pack underwear. If you do, pack LOTS. You'll need them!

Clothes to go home in - you can wear the clothes that you wore to the hospital!

วันอังคารที่ 17 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Where is the best place to buy nursing bras, sleepwear and clothes?


I am currently 36 weeks pregnant and I am looking for nursing stuff (bras, nightgowns, shirts, etc.). Are there any stores that carry that kind of stuff other than Motherhood Maternity. Our local store is pretty small and their selection is not that great. By the way, I live in Virginia in case that makes a difference. Thanks for any advice you can give! :)

Kohl's is my favorite place for maternity clothes. They are very cute and flattering, and when they go on sale the prices are great.

As for nursing gowns, it's very hard to find pretty nightgowns at a good price. The majority of nursing gowns come up to the knee and look like big baggy t-shirts with slits in the top. I also tried one of the famous Aimee Nursing Gowns but it was also knee-high, the fabric was thick and the top didn't fit very well.

I suggest you go to your local department stores and check out their nightgowns and lingerie. You could look for button down gowns or ones with stretchy fabric that can be pulled back.

For nursing bras....I love these people:


Great service and they guarantee a great fit, and shipping is FREE. Locally, Target has some good nursing bras and camis.

One of the best sites for nursing bras and sleepwear is Bare Necessities.

They have a large assortment of nursing bras in all price ranges. http://www.barenecessities.com/search.asp?search=Nursing+Bras&mode=1

They also have awesome nursing sleepwear.


These were my favorite pj's!


Link to nursing camis


This is an awesome cami for shrinking your mid section post partum!


Hope this helps! Good luck!

Kohls has some stuff, and also Old Navy usually has a good selection of maternity clothes!

Also, check out the maternity ward of your hopsital, they usually have a boutique of sorts that sells these sorts of things too!

Please look nursing bras at Amazon.


Hope this help.

Good Luck.

I got a great nursing bra (nice and padded not to thin) bra at Prime Outlet in Williamsburg (it think it was Prime outlet anyway)..and the price was good to, I think only around16$$$ for a nursing bra.

I try to save money as much as possible... So I got my stuff from Walmart and Target, they have nice selections too!

วันจันทร์ที่ 16 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Looking for a source of nightgowns with built-in bra/support?

I am a large busted woman. I am trying to find a source of nightgowns with support. I like to go bra-less at night, but I do enjoy some support. Stores, web sites, catalogs anything is helpful. Thanks








hope these help.try victoria's secret as well.

Do you think that walking around in a nightgown like looks like a summer dress without a bra is disrespectful?

It's not overtly sexy looking or see-thru but who are you willing to walk around like that in front of? Besides your husband/bf of course.

I'd probably wear it around my husband's buddies but cross my arms over my chest...lol. Funny thing you ask that, i had on my jammies last night, a tight white thin tee shirt without a bra and my husband comes strolling in with his friends that showed up, didnt have time to hide, you can imagine the cold weather jokes...lol

I guess it depends on where your wearing it. I wouldn't wear it to a night out with friends, but i guess at home or a walk on the beach wearing something like that won't harm anybody. Hope i helped xXx

Hmmm sounds okay

just aslong as it doesnt look like u aint got a bra on..

http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index;_ylt=AhHTlSo0clVhi2e1XqBNFcTsy6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20080907044149AAT84WU answer mine?

Family, friends, even neighbours if i've just walked outside to get the paper or something.

It's just a nightgown.

Depends who you are aiming to be disrespectful to.

In house you can wear but unkown people & out side houe can be avoided

You can wear that around me I wont mind.

umm yeah... lol... the only person who would like to see u naked or partially naked is the one u get it on with.. otherwise, no one would like to see that.


วันอังคารที่ 10 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Fashion design major do you think its easy to get a good job besides as a fashion designer?

I know is very hard to get your talents noticed in this business since there is soo much competition out there. I know that there is an assistant as a second choice which is also good. I'm just wondering if I don't make it as a top fashion designer or assistant is there another good job in this career run? If there is what would it be and what is the average pay for it?

This business it tough and you have to really love it as well as be in it for the long haul. You have to start as an Asst first, you need to know the business, b/c trust me, what ever you have heard is not nearly what you will be doing. Number 1 thing is to be patient, designer jobs are competitive especially in the two big cites of NY and LA ( dont know where you are located)...for slower pace, ATL, Dallas and believe it or not PHilidelphia and Ohio are also places for designers... a little off the beaten path but alot of big mass market names such as Limited, Charming shoppes, and Free people and ANthropologie have there design offices there... Also , Dont BURN YOUR BRIDGES, the industry is big in revenue but small in the amount of people who run it, so you never know who you are talking to , who might know someone else, who knows someone else......Be persistant and always strive to better your self and design ( not every bad critisism is a personal attack...use it to make yourself a better designer) ....GOOD LUCK...Hard work will pay off, but it will not come instantly, you have to put in your dues

วันจันทร์ที่ 9 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2552

What is the best fashion magazine for young adults?

I recently moved to US and wants to know what the best fashion magazine is for a young adult like me. I am 23, so really cannot relate to cosmogirl or seventeen anymore. I love to dress up and follow fashion trends. I want to subscribe to a magazine where I can find the hottest hairstyle, or latest fashion on clothes, shoes or bags. I am looking for a more mature version of seventeen/cosmogirl.

Teen Vogue for sure! :)

But Seventeen is still good for young adults too, I think.

Teen Vogue!

All The Way http://answers.yahoo.com/question/accuse_write?qid=20080328162035AAj1xw5&kid=FrNnHGr.ClT35N_qd122&s=comm&date=2008-06-08+07%3A00%3A56&.crumb=

I would definitely suggest American Vogue. Vogue has been described as the "fashion bible" and is the longest running fashion magazine there is. It is also completely devoted to fashion. http://answers.yahoo.com/question/accuse_write?qid=20080328162035AAj1xw5&kid=E5ZGAzfkMksfa91oqjzo&s=comm&date=2008-07-12+03%3A30%3A26&.crumb=

I've noticed a lot of the users on http://www.chictopia.com read Nylon and TeenVogue. http://answers.yahoo.com/question/accuse_write?qid=20080328162035AAj1xw5&kid=NqZKIWD1UlCDVgJspHJW&s=comm&date=2008-10-21+15%3A53%3A40&.crumb=

I've noticed a lot of the users on http://www.chictopia.com read Nylon and TeenVogue. http://answers.yahoo.com/question/accuse_write?qid=20080328162035AAj1xw5&kid=NqZKIWD1UlCDVgJspHJW&s=comm&date=2008-10-21+15%3A54%3A09&.crumb=

teen vogue http://answers.yahoo.com/question/accuse_write?qid=20080328162035AAj1xw5&kid=Grl5MG3iCXT7eNbL1J0I&s=comm&date=2009-01-23+20%3A39%3A30&.crumb=

Ummm I would say Look magazine, Grazia magazine, and Elle. But I live in the UK so it might be different. Maybe if you type the names into google there website might come up, you could check to see if they ship to your country.

hope that helped. my love Charlotte xxx http://answers.yahoo.com/question/accuse_write?qid=20080328162035AAj1xw5&kid=GI56BVb2DzDX9MHzf_CP&s=comm&date=2009-01-24+08%3A45%3A26&.crumb=

People Style Watch

Teen Vogue!





allure is my favorite magazine it has great beauty advice

even thopugh you aren't seventeen (but close enough) get seventeen! they have the latest trends, quizes, and many more. they also give you ideas for stuff like your hair, makeup, brand of clothing you should wear depending on ur size, and once they gave me a quiz to see what type of lipstick (not color, the shape)

the lipstick should be. seventeen rulez!

วันเสาร์ที่ 7 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2552


Hi! I'm an italian girl so sorry if there are some mistakes...I'd like to know about fashion in your country.. what do you wear?! what's trendy or totally out?! thanks..

most people wear skinny jeans (denim or colored),

long flowy tops, bright colors, ballet flats, flat boots,

UGG boots, pea coats, bomber jackets, lightweight

scarves tied as bandanas, oversize tote bags / sun-

glasses, etc.

what's out:

> white pants

> visible underwear


well here, whats becoming popular is for men the casual use of the tie, for women heels are coming back- but flats will remain strong. Also dark skinny jeans are really popular, and of course layering looks...

I wear what looks good together for example,

one of my outfits is a Chocolate Brown Nautica Hoodie, Dark Skinny Jeans from Nautica, and Chocolate Timberland Boots.

Another one of them is a White Sweater with my Black with Yello Embroider ecko jeans, and my White Jacob Arabo Sneakers.

or, ill just wear a printed tee, or a graphic tee with a solid colored hoody, matching jeans, and sneakers.

so i basically make outfits that match :)

well some girls wear skinny jeans which those are jenas that don't flare and the other type that girls wear is flared and the tops it doesn't really matter what type of tops you wear just as long as there not to big on you. for shoes some girls wear a shoe called flats which are shoes that show some of you're feet and you DO NOT wear socks with them but you could just wear regular shoes

well, if you go to www.hollisterco.com or www.abercrombie.com that is what a whole lot of people wear.

but some people wear things from pacsun.com or hottopic.com

Italian fashion is waaay more advanced than American. It's about a year to a year and a half ahead. I prefer Italian fashion to American fashion, it is so much more elegant and way nicer.

If you want to get a good idea of what the hipsters (or most fashionable people) are wearing I would go to Thecobrasnake.com..

Most people wear ugly Abercrombie & Fitch though!

We like styles of Kate Moss here (flats, skinny jeans, ray bans, effortless chic)

:) xo

Demo Version ThaNaButS >> http://www.thaiseoboard.com/index.php/topic,53929.0.html

วันศุกร์ที่ 6 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2552


heyy i relle LOVE fashion..and when i say fashion, i do NOT mean Hollister and A&F, even though some of that stuff can be cute.

No, when i say fashion, i love mixing patterns, and def vintageee! i love edgy stuff.

can anyone find me a site that has fashion collages of fashion magazine cut-out pics.. or a site with anything to do with fashion? i dont want a shopping site, i want a site that will inspire me with designs and stuff.

Yes, I love fashion too. My answer will probably help you the most. go to www.i-dressup.com. You take a "model", and get to choose a collection from various deisgners such as Christian Dior, Zac Posen, Ralph Lauren, John Galliano, Versace, Fendi, and even some couture collections, such as John Galliano/Dior, and Karl Lagerfeld/Chanel. Good luck! That's www.i-dressup.com

you could go to www.louisvuitton-replicas.com http://answers.yahoo.com/question/accuse_write?qid=20070824114137AAcTY6r&kid=GsdvAWzGUmahJkXdI_vs&s=comm&date=2007-09-01+03%3A35%3A39&.crumb=

Yeah..I like fashion too. http://answers.yahoo.com/question/accuse_write?qid=20070824114137AAcTY6r&kid=M8JtG0P_MzF5N3SMraQc&s=comm&date=2007-12-05+18%3A45%3A40&.crumb=

I would suggest adding stumbleupon to your firefox or internet explorer browser. thats how I found sites like these www.sheenaschoolcraft.com you just add whatever sites you want to find and it randomly sends you to a site related to your interests http://answers.yahoo.com/question/accuse_write?qid=20070824114137AAcTY6r&kid=Frp7JWnnOGH3NrDlkD1K&s=comm&date=2008-01-19+00%3A08%3A15&.crumb=

www.dresslikemiley.com i dont know if this is what ur looking for, its not just ignore it lol http://answers.yahoo.com/question/accuse_write?qid=20070824114137AAcTY6r&kid=RIRfLGrrNVHSVMCjpSZD&s=comm&date=2008-01-26+12%3A04%3A03&.crumb=

another "dress up" site, but it is dressing famous people is www.stardolls.com

Hope this helps! http://answers.yahoo.com/question/accuse_write?qid=20070824114137AAcTY6r&kid=HsJpLTO4J1Ze7BL4slQV&s=comm&date=2008-02-05+19%3A33%3A12&.crumb=

you must be a agreat fashion designer http://answers.yahoo.com/question/accuse_write?qid=20070824114137AAcTY6r&kid=E80oWnv_OTjsFImH5X8w&s=comm&date=2008-04-26+21%3A23%3A50&.crumb=

I love Ralph lauren and you can get it really cheap at macys! http://answers.yahoo.com/question/accuse_write?qid=20070824114137AAcTY6r&kid=BL4mWzHgDVRjQKWeQOzz&s=comm&date=2008-05-03+12%3A52%3A04&.crumb=


everything a girl could ever ask for is there! its great.


hey! im totally with you! i love oding that too , and i dont like abercrombie ae a&f etc... l like being my own person and not following what the crowd does



you sound just like me =]

I was on adorevintage.com the other day. And if you go to the website they have a lookbook their with some celebrity designs and things. And if you want to save the pictures click 'print scrn' and paste it on paint. And then save that. But i got a couple of inspiring things from there.

Demo Version ThaNaButS >> http://www.thaiseoboard.com/index.php/topic,53929.0.html