วันศุกร์ที่ 10 เมษายน พ.ศ. 2552

Should i have anything else in my hospital bag?

so far i have the following

a few outfits for my baby

a blanket for her ( live in wisconsin, its cold here)

the diaper bag, fully loaded, just in case


a nightgown

comfy outfit to go home in for myself

chap stick

hair tie

hair brush



undies of course

nursing bra

anything else i should bring?

i feel like im forgetting somethings

You need to have things packed for you while in labor.

Music, movies, and so on.


A snowsuit for her to go home in, a special outfit for her to get her hospital pictures taken in. Just about everything else (besides your own clothes) should be provided by the hospital.

Don't forget your shampoo, conditioner, body wash, nursing pads, pads for your undies, and good, warm socks.

Don't forget the car seat, the hospital won't let you go home without one.

A book or avrossword book would come in handy for after the birth. A cell phone maybe. Pad and paper to take notes on things f you want, or just to doodle.

pads cause the ones at the hospitals usually are like dieapers buy the brand you like in overnites for the first few days. a good support bra cuz your chest will swell and some ice packs to help with the swelling if your not breast feeding.

Travel sizes of:



--body wash/soap

--body lotion


--facial cleanser


As well as:

--a small bath puff

--books/magazines/reading materials/gameboy/etc., etc.

--Maxi pads (Extra long ultra-absorbent overnights)


--cosmetics, if you want them

I brought my own pillow..it was a good idea and dont forget to bring your own sanitary pads...they may not provide you with any and if they do you wont like them

I'd bring a couple of blankets - we used more than one b/c they got soiled. Maybe a magazine or book for you, perhaps an address book with phone numbers and a phone card, if needed. Slippers & robe are a must for you. Don't forget they will come & take your baby's pic in the hospital - you want a special outfit for that, also a special outfit to come home in for the baby. Oh and don't forget diapers & pads, tho most hospitals supply some.

I had my baby 6 days ago and the things i was glad i packed - was a face washer as the hospital didnt supply and maternity pads.

Maternity pads, breast pads, a snack for yourself and your partner for during labour, Shampoo, conditioner, soap (i know i had to take it), deodorant, lots of pairs of undies, pj's and the list goes on!!!

shampoo. our local hospital didnt give you shampoo, so with my first i washed my hair with handsoap lol. other than that i think you've got it covered.

A car seat for the baby. If you plan on breast feeding,Take a breast pump with you, and have the nurses teach you how to use it. OUr hospital gave me most of everything on your list, including the diaper bag. a small pillow, roll, rice pack that you can heat up in the microwave for your back might help.

I always packed tennis balls. The are great if you have back labor. Your coach can use them to massage (quite firmly) your back. It really helps. A baby book. I took the time to record the gifts I received in the Hospital. Does the baby outfit have a hat? Another Wisconsin Mom. Best of luck. Don't forget to set the carseat out so Dad can grab it to pick you both up. I didn't wear my own nightgown right away. I saved it until I had visitors.

film, extra pads, just in case the hospital doesnt supply them, bath robe

You need pads. Overnight flow preferably. Believe me, you'll be glad.

You will need a favorite hard candy to suck on because your mouth will get dry. Also try taking something to focus on when your having contractions. IE a baby picture, a picture of someone crossing the finish line, whatever will represent the end of a successful birth. Also your panties should be briefs because they will be more comfortable to wear. To make the labor less boring take some cards or crosswords or even a travel game of some kind. Something that makes you laugh will help with the discomfort. Good Luck!

a robe



batteries for your camera

extra film

you might wanna take some wipes, some hospitals only give you a paper towel to clean your baby's bowel movements. its kinda of hard because the poop is all green and black looking and very sticky.!!! speaking from self experience!!

a few outfits for my baby Tee shirt is about all a newborn needs

a blanket for her ( live in wisconsin, its cold here) Hosptial nurserys are plenty warm baby doesn't need an extra blanket...I spent 18 winters in Central New York it STAYS cold there 6 months out of the year.

the diaper bag, fully loaded, just in case what for? They have diapers at the hospital and will provide everything else you will need...that's what your insurance is paying for.


a nightgown

comfy outfit to go home in for myself

chap stick

hair tie

hair brush

camera Oh yeah like you're going to feel like taking pictures...

camcorder Uh huh like you're going to look like Paris Hilton after having a baby?

undies of course...LOL

nursing bra

some slippers to walk from your room to the nursery in!!!

carseat, and i would take your prenatals, especially if you plan on nursing.

when my friends and I do Mommy Baskets for each other and other moms we include snacks,books, mags, and game books...mommy can get pretty bored whe everyone fawns over baby. : ) CONGRATS!!!! Enjoy your new little girl.

i believe that everyone else told you about everything but i took a find a word puzzle book with me..it helped me take the mind off the contractions (i was in labor for 22 hours) and also gave me something to do the days that i stayed in there

sanitary pads and breast pads, make sure the undies you bring are your old ratty ones because they'll probably get stained...the baby book...shower essentials if you want your own stuff (i'd recommend it)

burping cloths

damp towelett wipeys

I would use the hospitals oh so fashionable gowns, unless your nightgown is one you don't mind throwing away.

Snacks for after pregnancy, any drinks that you can see through for labor, you might get a bit thirsty.

And definately overnight pads with wings, some hospitals have pads without wings. They are so cheap!

Slippers with traction, hospitals floors are cold. Or even flip flops.Your favorite pillow, hospitals pillows have very little stuffing, just be careful just to lean on that pillow, you don't want to stain it. It's nice to have things from home, you'll be there atleast two days. Congratualtions and goodluck!

